Sentences with phrase «living your objectives instead»

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One of the key objectives of democratic education should be to counteract racist education, thus liberating persons to be and become themselves instead of living in bondage to racial stereotypes.
This is the prime objective of the family's educative effort: by loving persuasion and by example to engender habits of commitment to what is of worth, instead of living for self - gratification.
When policies do not presume or promote objective values, the resulting moral relativism, instead of leading to a society that is free, fair, just and compassionate, tends instead to produce frustration, despair, selfishness and a disregard for the life and liberty of others.
Instead of asking him where he sees himself in five years, ask him what his life was like five years ago and how has he accomplished his goals or changed his objectives.
If buying cheap life insurance policy is your objective, you can choose to buy term life insurance instead of permanent or whole life insurance.
It's become less about being creative with your strategy to live longer and instead to complete objectives.
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