Sentences with phrase «lizard brain»

The concept of sneaking around your lizard brain (fear) with tiny steps has been life changing.
When a guy correctly appeals to a womans lizard brain the hypocrisies do not matter, she responds as woman and eagerly assumes the position.
Often, all they need is to be held, or to be reassured, to feel connected, to have some consistency, and some empathy for their «crazy» lizard brain wiring.
It is ironic that lawyers are paid to use their brains all day long, but are never given the tools to get the lizard brain out of the driver's seat.
Your most ancient neural structure is the brain stem, or «lizard brain».
This from the guy who tosses around endearing terms like idiot, petulant liar, fool, moron, hideously bloated and truculent denialist scumbag, mentally aberrant conservative son of a diseased camel, morally deficient lizard brain, scion of a toad and a slime mould, repugnant eater of children and defiler of mothers, Republican voter, a wart on the rump of the body politic, viewer of Faux News, disgusting purveyor of ideas picked up in the intellectual dung heaps of civilisation, soiler of underpants, bent over superannuated hag of obsolete ideologies, putrid despoiler of humanities past, present and future.
A surface critique might argue for some more bolder, declarative evolutionary changes from one exhibition to the next, but as pointed out in the title, these works aren't for a viewer's cynical, novelty - seeking lizard brain.
That's the way that my lizard brain works though.
Certainly triggers the lizard brain thinking — all the reasons why you can't... I think having a good support group of other serious artists is important to sanity.
I know I would lose out on investment potential 99 % of the time, but this is one of those areas where I know my lizard brain would take over and fear of missing out would make me make sub-optimal decisions.
Sideliners have a history of being too emotional (see Controlling the Investment Lizard Brain), which leads to disastrous financial decisions.
In a year when bonds have fallen sharply and stocks have delivered double - digit returns, which do you think your lizard brain will tell you to buy?
Learning how to control your lizard brain (amygdala), and understand how the pain of losses (risk aversion) can distort decision making processes can help you more clearly see how record profits (see chart below), share buybacks, M&A activity, and limited stock issuance (i.e. IPOs) will impact stock prices.
Yes, Tangerine has an app, but it's designed for your chequing account and it takes a few taps to get down to see your investments, and even there they only show you the balance in your investment account, with no flashy graphs of recent market drops or big red daily change numbers, and no individual segment reporting so you have to work a bit harder to activate your lizard brain.
In the early going, my own lizard brain resisted with a couple of clever arguments (noted in this blog post) to Seth's exhortation, which will come as no surprise to him.
The lizard brain, or amygdala, knows that this sort of haste is neither normal nor conducive to survival, so the levels of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline begin pumping as if you're about to be torn apart by a black bear.
When it's among men, however, as in an early scene where Vail visits a mobster and a city alderman to secure testimony, or another where he rejects the sanctimony of former boss DA Shaughnessy (John Mahoney) over Chinese food, Primal Fear lives up to its title's promise to be about the wet places in the male's lizard brain.
On a raw lizard brain level it's fun to swing a big sword at an endless amount of bad guys.
There is only emotion and craving from a stupid lizard brain (i.e. your primal instinct) that controls what you do.
And when the lizard brain looks at something in the environment, it says, «Do we eat it?»
The explanation is that somewhere in the recesses of our minds, the primitive lizard brain is still alive and kicking.
The amygdala is such a part of the lizard brain that the amygdala's response always trumps reason.
As Bettina has admitted, our basic instincts are to eat unhealthy foods, so the key foundation to a lifetime of healty eating is teaching kids to choose food with though cognitive reasoning instead listening to their «lizard brain
«The lizard brain rules only when people allow it to rule.»
Whether it's the lizard brain or the Impostor Syndrome, we're really good at downplaying our abilities and treating our potential like a lottery ticket.
You are smarter than your lizard brain.
Maybe they should've included «authoritarian Lizard brains» (aka, the Republican party) as an answer.
Anyway, I know it's not exactly the point of the exercise, but you have to wonder what would need to happen to lizard brains (and why) in order to make the leap to industrialization.

Not exact matches

-- but I'm not interested, and that has nothing to do with lizards or brains.
They continuously recorded the lizards» brain activity with electrodes over several weeks.
Sleeping lizards appear to share distinctive brain activity patterns with sleeping birds and mammals, researchers report in the April 29 Science.
Overall, lizard sleep seems a lot simpler and may thus be closer to the ancestral mode of brain sleep.
In the midst of one of these studies, they observed that brain activity recorded from resting lizards during the night oscillated regularly between two states.
However, scissors, lizard, and Spock call for imagining hand gestures that are more abstract and iconic than those needed to grasp the visual objects, and suggests, says Andersen, that this area of the brain may also be involved in more general hand gestures, such as ones we use when talking, or for sign language.
According to the study, turkeys fattened up on an all - grain diet were found to have brains that had failed to grow normally: The all - grain turkey brains weighed in at slightly over two - thirds the weight of the brains of turkeys in the wild — turkeys with full access to the bugs, worms, and small lizards typical of a turkey's natural omnivorous diet.
On a lizard - brain level, The Conjuring 2 taps into the universal childhood fear of the dark, and some of its simplest moments — like a little girl hiding under the covers with a flashlight — are its most effective, bolstered by skillfully executed sound design and Don Burgess» gloomy cinematography.
By the point when an American flag unfurls to a rah - rah swell before the cut to credits, a viewer's lizard - brain — the same part that appreciates parkour and clicky robots — has probably long checked out.
My initial questions reflected a panicked, lizard - brain focus on the control I thought I'd lose.
Excerpted from «Kennedy's Brain (Vintage Crime / Black Lizard)» by Henning Mankell.
Brakes are for Losers, a new top - down racer that released recently on Nintendo Switch, triggers some deep lizard - memories that still linger in the depths of my brain.
It's dumb and simple and insulting, but you'll sit there clicking away because stuff is happening and the lizard part of your brain feels good.
The tilt of a lizard - dog's head still tells my hands to send my hunter dodging before my brain knows I'm about to be hit with a spinning tail whip.
Be who you want — be a prince (or murder one), drive the fastest car in the world (or crash it)-- these borderline - Freudian impulses to exercise our lizard - brains are at the heart of open - world gaming.
Is the tale of sceptics feeding off Exxon's millions any more credible than green lizards from Alpha Centauri taking over Michael Mann's brain?
This highly evolved ability, which seems so quintessentially human, in large part springs from the part of our brain we share in common with snakes, lizards, and frogs.
In a 3 month period of time [1] I came out of the closet with being Autistics [2] we bought and moved into a travel trailer because we had spent all of our money, and I was naive enough to tell everyone that we were now poor but so blessed and did not care because we now lived near our wonderful friends in the mountains [3] I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a double mastectomy [4] swiftly bloated up 30 pounds, developed lizard skin, hair loss and was no longer cute and young looking for my age [5] meds made me cry over anything and seemed to suck out all my brain cells [chemo brain is real]
Well, according to About Money: «It's been said that as human beings, we have a lizard or reptilian brain that responds to certain primal urges.
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