Sentences with word «llife»

I find that lately people have indeed been more interested in seeing less ingredients in foods, healthier school lunches and even genital mutilation (known as circumcision and performed mostly in USA and Israel, almost NOWHERE else in the world, harmful and causing complications later in llife — do your research on european medical forums, not American) is in decline.
Only God decides when llife begins and only He should decide when it comes to an end.
I will say this, a disobedient child will live a short llife.
What does it really mean to every day llife anyway.
Maybe he wouldnt have gone through with it at all.I'm sick of the NRA blaming fiction for real - llife situation brought about by the ease of purchasing a gun.
The visual language of everyday llife — cars, food, blue jeans, President Kennedy — rendered in a smooth, largely anonymous hand, allied him with other artists working in a Pop idiom.
My child insurance policy plan with bharti axa llife insurance is trustable and the benefits are many with great returns.
Looking to beginning the second chapter of my llife I'm 6 4 and weigh in at 247 lbs.
I have also used Royal Canin veterinary foods in the past, as my previous love of my llife dog, had diabetes, so I needed special food.
It wld make a difference in my llife as I would love a fab, cozy accommmodation with lovey tranquility and courtesy.
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