Sentences with phrase «load of washing»

I put a load of washing on, unload and load the dishwasher and soak the baby's bottles.
And then a friend sent a message yesterday saying: «I had a weird dream I was at your house for dinner — it was a lovely house BTW — but at one point you sprang me in your laundry doing a load of washing and it was really awkward.»
A forlorn load of washing has been trapped in it for days as it refuses to either spin or open.
A full load of washing was done on a daily basis at no extra cost as well.
Then it's time to change wash another load of washing and put the first load of washing into our drier.
Anyone who has been in a long - term relationship can attest to the fact that the real bricks and mortar of living with someone and loving someone is actually about taking the rubbish out, making dinner, putting on a load of washing, a quick kiss in between dropping the kids off.
I regularly forget that I've thrown in a load of washing and this puppy will send you a message once your load has finished.
As someone who likes to stay on top of everything — washing included — the 2.5 kg capacity means that I don't have to wait an entire week to accumulate a full load of washing before I can clean my clothes.
Over the two weeks I washed my diapers a total of 4 times and for each load of washing with this unit I used an ammonia test kit to test for levels of ammonia in my diapers before and after using Laundry Pure.
Sometimes there's a good idea to run the load of washing through an extra rinse cycle before the regular washing cycle.
Because it allows you to enjoy a cup of coffee... or if you are really good, maybe you can even fold that load of washing!
might not be constantly ringing in our ears, but it's often replaced by endless loads of washing, packing of lunches and after school chauffeuring.
Because my washing machine is also in the bathroom, Sawyer's presence usually encouraged me to do a load of wash.
The size of the cap remained disproportionately larger than the amount of detergent needed for an average load of wash.
In between packing the school lunches and getting herself dressed and ready for the day, she unloads several loads of washing, unpacks the dishwasher, fits in a gym session and prepares dinner for later that night.
Use this as an opportunity to show your tween how to strip the sheets and do a load of wash.
I did two or three loads of wash a week: sheets, towels / whites, and our clothing.
By this I mean I managed to clean the kitchen, do three loads of washing, make lunch (even though it turned out to be toast — there's another story there!)
while doing several extra loads of wash each week is not necessarily «good» for the environment it is far better than all the energy it takes to manufacture, distribute, and sell disposable diapers.
One pound of soap nuts will do 240 loads of wash which makes this laundry soap option extremely affordable.
One pound of soap nuts will do 240 loads of wash which makes this laundry soap option extremely
I just barely managed to make her a mobile before she was born and we did a load of wash and bought some diapers a few weeks before she was due.
The nice thing is that having a baby monitor means you can shower while baby is napping; watch TV in the living room or even monitor your baby's room while you throw in a load of wash!
Every time my partner and I do a load of wash, we put $ 2 in a jar.
The homeowner had left the house for the weekend after starting a load of wash and returned to find the machine stuck in boiling cycle and the entire apartment destroyed by the steam.
«Each time we do a load of wash at our house, $ 2 goes into a jar,» Freedman said.
Refresh bedding, food and water as needed, and disinfect the bedding daily using 3/4 cup bleach per full load of wash (1-1/4 cups in extra large washers) and the hottest water setting.
According to China Daily, the amount of garbage in the river has been decreasing in the last few years, but the downpour brought loads of it washing into the Yangtze River, including everything from domestic garbage to plastic to tree branches.
The homeowner had left the house for the weekend after starting a load of wash and returned to find the machine stuck in boiling cycle and the entire apartment destroyed by the steam.
Now, every time I do a load of wash, when the first - floor washer is filling up, a lot of water comes out of my shower faucet.
I was taught by a loving grandmother to make the bed, keep the sink empty, start a load of wash, dress yourself for the day with care THEN and ONLY then could the fun begin for the day!
This way, I get through about three loads of wash a week without it seeming to take any time and can finish the rest on a weekend day.
Cooked bacon sandwiches for Sprogs» breakfast (to remove temptation from fridge for The Great Famine of 2012); did grocery shopping; bought Husband six - pack of beer for New Year's Eve party; bought chooks 25 kg bag of scratch mix; staggered to car with 25 kg bag of scratch mix; washed and hung out two loads of washing; filled recycling bin with empty bottles and cartons; baked eggshells to make grit for chooks; assembled wraps for Husband and Sprogs for lunch; baked banana bread to use up manky banana supplies; baked biscuits with Sprog 2, who doesn't like banana bread; shut back door 50 times to stop plague of mozzies getting in; shut front door 20 times to stop plague of mozzies getting in; killed lots of mozzies; threw out old magazines and newspapers; put crap away from recent car trip; cleaned chook shit out of chook house; sorted three baskets of clean laundry; unpacked and repacked diswasher; returned to supermarket for forgotten essentials: toilet paper, broccoli, sparklers and last shot of caffeine before The Great Famine of 2012; cooked dinner; washed Sprogs» hair and painted Sprog 2's toenails rainbow colours for New Year's Eve party; copped grief from Husband for painting Sprog 2's toenails (some sexualisation nonsense); went to New Year's Eve Party; reluctantly abandoned third glass of French champagne after being reminded of designated driver status; drove Husband and Sprogs home from New Year's Eve party; took Unisom; collapsed in bed at 11.50 pm.

Not exact matches

When New Orleans flooded in 2005, Procter & Gamble — makers of Tide laundry detergent — sent a trailer loaded with 32 washing machines to provide displaced residents with clean clothes.
A number of people asked for the Loads of Hope truck by name on Twitter, especially after a news segment showed a woman saying she wishes she could wash her clothes.
«The sharp decline in March export growth after very solid performance in January and February suggests some exporters may have front - loaded exports (early) this year due to concern over the possibility of a Sino-U.S. trade war after the U.S. hiked tariffs on global imports on solar panels and washing machines,» said Lisheng Wang, an economist at Nomura in Hong Kong.
Or dreams of washing and folding what feels like endless loads of laundry?
All we know is that Namaan descends into the waters seven times, sees his leprous skin «restored like the flesh of a young boy,» acknowledges the full authority of Israel's God and, to ensure that he can render proper thanks to the Lord when he returns to Damascus, gets permission from Elisha to bring back two mule loads of local soil — a piece of Israel upon which to give thanks to the one who washed him clean.
I remember staggering down the basement stairs with a load of laundry, standing over my washing machine and whispering against the noise of the tub filling with water, «God, if you are real, please heal me.»
You see, at this moment I'm lost and confused as to the day, time, my name, when the last time I washed my hair, If I ate breakfast this morning, and what load of laundry I am on..
Typically I remember I started a load of laundry the next day, so once I actually get to it, it needs to be washed again, or they have this musty smell to them.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with this particular post, but I have to say this (long - winded though it is)... I currently have about 16 hours of documentaries recorded and waiting for me, 2 - 3 loads of laundry to wash, a pile of un-read books, baking of my own to do AND a beef & Guinness stew that needs making for my boyfriend's birthday dinner, and I just spent 3 hours straight reading your blog.
I'm not quite sure when it happens - when I blink or throwing a load of laundry in the wash.
Choosing corrugated containers enables both retailers and grower - shippers to save money due to optimized freight loads, reduced damage from collapsed pallets and loads, and the avoided cost of washing, sanitizing and drying containers.
Some recent one - handed accomplishments I'm particularly proud of include replying to emails, washing and drying a load of laundry, putting on pants and making myself this delicious Tropical Green Smoothie Bowl for breakfast the other day.
Through four different water reduction projects, including high pressure water system automation, condensing tower treatment automation, wash cabinet water and waste water load reduction, they were able to achieve a savings of 27,861,000 gallons of water, or 22 percent.
It's not just the rules Lauda is concerned with, he's also worried about the financial situation - again, perhaps unsurprising given that this is the bloke who gave a load of his racing trophies away in exchange for free car washes.
It is important to note that the SWASH is not meant to replace your washing machine by doing a full load of laundry.
Facilities wise this place could not be beat, it had loads of picnic tables, sanitizing gels, wash sinks outside, a decent range of food at all places (even the vegetarian in me was satisfied) and surprisingly restrooms designed for toddlers.
Like many others have said, I too wash them with the diapers and in my opinion, a load of just cloth pads is not enough to justify running the washing machine.
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