Sentences with phrase «load type specificity»

Some studies have often reported no external load type specificity of strength gains, although these are primarily limited to those reporting on programs of single - joint knee extension exercises (Manning et al. 1990; Hunter & Culpepper, 1995; Remaud et al. 2010) or programs of combined single - joint and multi-joint leg extension exercises (Walker et al. 2013).

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Some researchers speculated that the velocity - specificity might be limited to isokinetic external load types, and that the same effect would not be observed with constant loads, such as free weights.
This suggests that the specificity of external load type is probably quite weak.
If this is the case, we should find that the main causes of specificity in strength gains after training with different types of external load are regional hypertrophy and joint angle - specific changes in neural drive (especially at end range of motion).
This specificity likely arises largely because the different external load types involve different (1) points where in the exercise range of motion the load is highest, and (2) velocities for a given relative load.
Velocity - specificity probably happens for many reasons, including greater increases in single fiber contractile velocity (including fiber type shifts), greater increases in early phase neural drive, more suppressed co-activation, and bigger improvements in co-ordination, compared to low - velocity (heavy load) training.
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