Sentences with phrase «loaded with glycogen»

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And similarly, those looking to build muscle, or those looking to fuel a heavy training load (especially if it's the high - intensity, glycolytically demanding kind) may want to favour a concentrate product (with some carbohydrate), as this is the prime opportunity to replenish their glycogen stores.
Back to endurance, where for decades the conventional thinking was to carb load with your evening pasta feeds and morning cereal troughs, train super hard so you can go harder and longer without falling apart, and possibly train the body to store more glycogen (yes, it's possible to a minor extent, but soon you will learn how irrelevant this is), and to stuff sugary drinks, gels, and cubes down your throat, hopefully without gagging.
We don't see a good reason to eat foods with a higher glycemic load when foods with a lower glycemic load will quite effectively replenish depleted muscle glycogen.
The purpose of carbohydrate loading is to supersaturate muscles with glycogen for competition.
Potatoes are loaded with valuable minerals and are fine to eat in moderation (at the right times) for active people that workout a lot to fuel anaerobic high intensity training and muscle glycogen replenishment.
Bodybuilders use a protocol known as «carb - loading» to supersaturate their muscles with glycogen.
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