Sentences with phrase «loading the dice toward»

Here's a followup to my piece on how greenhouse - driven warming is loading the dice toward more hot weather extremes.
«For example, one can quantify the odds of a typical heatwave happening and estimate how much a warmer world would load the dice toward the more frequent occurrence of a similar event.

Not exact matches

In 1988, James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who, through much of his career, has pressed elected officials to limit greenhouse gas emissions, constructed «loaded» cardboard dice for a Senate hearing, to illustrate that we were, in essence, tipping the climate system toward ever higher odds of unpleasant events like droughts and flooding rains.
Back in 1988, this was a core message of James Hansen of NASA, who compared the impact of global warming on year - to - year conditions to the progressive loading of a pair of climate «dice» toward hot outcomes.
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