Sentences with phrase «loads upon the backs»

Not exact matches

Just as there's a wide spectrum for a medal loaded with history versus one earned in an overlooked skeet shooting competition, the prestige a medal bestows upon the winner depends on the sport and the back story of the event and its participants.
All we know is that Namaan descends into the waters seven times, sees his leprous skin «restored like the flesh of a young boy,» acknowledges the full authority of Israel's God and, to ensure that he can render proper thanks to the Lord when he returns to Damascus, gets permission from Elisha to bring back two mule loads of local soil — a piece of Israel upon which to give thanks to the one who washed him clean.
Although Willardson et al. (2009) found that muscle activity was greater in the deadlift than in the back squat, these results may depend upon the exact region measured, as Hamlyn et al. (2007) reported greater muscle activity in the back squat than the deadlift in the lower erectors but greater muscle activity in the deadlift than the back squat in the upper erectors (with the same relative loads), although Nuzzo et al. (2008) reported no differences (also using the same relative loads).
Depending upon the athlete what has worked well is to wait until the day prior to a competition to sneak carbs back in and utilize more fat to really blunt the glycemic load and provide added fat calories.
Upon coming inside with a very sore back and shoulder, I had to get the children out of their snow gear, meet their demands for hot chocolate, fold the 2 loads of laundry that were waiting, feed them dinner (albeit a frozen pizza), clean up dinner, do the bath and bedtime routine (which requires all of mommy's attention when daddy is away).
aldiko doesn t work on KOBO, - Vox, aldiko claims upon downloading no mobile recognized, have now loaded Overdrive that loads but can t get libruary to work, AHA at last Word - player loads on Vox, however when i loaded the books, pages don t fit on screen,:)-RRB--RRB- think I ll take it back and get an Ipad, this is far to difficult and time consuming... very dissapointing Like I said does work, and if anyone can get the pages to fit let me know.
Class B Shares: No - load up front, a higher ongoing asset based fee; but with a back - end load, if the investment dollars are removed within an agreed upon period of time.
There are some funds that charge a load fee, which is a sales fee taken either upon initial investment known as front - end load fee or upon sale of investment, known as back - end load fee.
Back - End Load — This is a commission or sales fee that is incurred upon the sale of your investment.
The annual fee is composed of components such as front - end (charged at time of purchase) or back - end load (charged upon sell) and 12B - 1 (market fee bundled into overall fee).
Upon playing the game after using other programs subsequently, it would in some situations revert back to the super long load times.
As well as having the occasional load of ironing foisted upon you, if you've moved back in with your parents after university you could also be expected to pull your weight financially by helping out with the weekly shopping bill.
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