Sentences with phrase «loan something approves»

Loan officers, for example, frequently must wait several years to see how loans they approved worked out, and they almost never know what happens to an applicant they reject.
Giannoulias, whose family bank failed, I'm sure had nothing to do with the millions in loans he approved to people associated with organized crime.
The GSE has said trended data is expected to on a net basis not change the overall number of single - family loans it approves and buys, likely because some home loans previously approved won't be, but a roughly equal number of mortgages previously rejected won't be.
Lenders are at pains to point out that every loan they approve is a risk.
if a lender has a 200 % higher rate of default than others in its area (this is called a «compare ratio») its approval can be yanked even if every loan it approves meets FHA guidelines.
Just like the VA, the USDA guarantees the loan it approves.
We work hard to be honest and transparent about the terms of every loan we approve.
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