Sentences with phrase «local authorities have»

Local authorities have experienced cutbacks as part of the governments saving program.
The same set of figures suggests 68 of England's 152 local authorities have no early placements ahead of adoption, say officials.
Local authorities have a duty to ascertain the child's wishes and feelings and take account of them when planning the provision of services.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities departments should work closely with the VSH as well as social workers to ensure that local authorities have effective and joined - up processes for meeting the SEN of looked after children.
Over the last decade, the Scottish Government and local authorities have supported the introduction of a range of legislation, policies and interventions focused on improving parenting capacity through the delivery of parenting support and education (Hutton et al. 2008).
The United Kingdom has a comprehensive child welfare system under which Local Authorities have duties and responsibilities towards children in need in their area.
Similarly, local authorities have undertaken LDAs for young people either because they had a statement at school or because, in the opinion of the local authority, they are likely to need additional support as part of their further education or training and would benefit from a LDA to identify their learning needs and the provision required to meet those needs.
Overview and update on the London RAA project to date: 26 of the London Local Authorities have agreed, in principle, to be part of the LRAA, with 10 Voluntary Adoption Agencies and / or Adoption Support Agencies also part of the LRAA.
Many local authorities have set up multi-agency safeguarding models where a hub of key agencies (which can include children's services, police, health, education, probation and youth offending) are co-located or have an agreed protocol in place to promote better information - sharing, decision - making and communication in relation to concerns about children.
This interactive course will clarify the duties local authorities have to support children and families, and will set out the procedures that should be followed when there is a concern for a child's welfare and / or safety.
Around 35 % of English local authorities have not even published a policy, 18 months after the deadline.
Yet only 19 out of 32 London local authorities have published a family and friends care policy on their website their family, over 18 months after the deadline set in the statutory government guidance on family and friends care.
The report finds that 45 % of English local authorities have still not published a policy over five months after the deadline in the Government's Statutory family and friends care guidance.
This is because schools and Local Authorities have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to improve access to buildings over time.
As stated above, local authorities have the power to give financial support towards accommodation costs under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.
Local authorities have the power to pay an allowance to a carer with a Child Arrangements Order.
Since the death of baby Peter Connellly, many local authorities have become more risk averse and are more readily applying for care proceedings, with some children now being removed from their parents, who in the same circumstances a few years ago, wouldn't have been.
Some local authorities have suggested that they will draft standard letters that set out the urgency of the matter to accompany applications that do not comply with the outline requirements.
Delivering the lead judgment, Lord Justice Hickinbottom said «there does not appear to be a logical reason why London boroughs should be deprived of the powers which non-London local authorities have in respect of entertainment in parks under s 145.
Local authorities have, in the Local Government Act 1972 (LGA 1972), s 101 specific statutory power to arrange for the discharge of their functions to a committee, sub-committee or an officer of the authority or to any other local authority.
For his part Barber welcomed Long's comments adding, «More and more legal practices and local authorities have realised that Zylpha's solutions equate to best practice.
The case of R (on the application of the Howard League) v. the Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] EWHC 2497 (Admin) established that local authorities have duties towards children in prison, in a similar manner to the duties they have to children who have not been detained.
Under ss 42 and 43, spouses are liable to maintain each other with the result that local authorities have discretionary powers to ask one spouse to contribute to the cost of care for the other.
Local authorities have called on the government to rethink its decision to scrap the # 347m local welfare assistance fund, which provides emergency support for vulnerable people facing short - term crises.
Claims against private hospitals, the catholic church and local authorities have involved a number of cases which have resulted in the development of the law in respect of vicarious liability.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, some local authorities have sought to remove this risk by applying in advance to the LVT for a dispensation from the requirement to comply with sub-paras 4 (4) to 4 (7) of Sch 2 of the regulations.
In particular, local authorities have applied for dispensation from the important requirements contained in sub-paras 4 (4), 4 (5), 4 (6) and 4 (7) of Sch 2 of the regulations under which information about the likely cost to be charged by the proposed QLTA contractor is provided to the leaseholder.
Although there is no general obligation on landlords to ensure properties are «fit for human habitation»..., local authorities have powers to compel landlords to tackle serious health and safety hazards.
In Siem Reap, home of the temple of Angkor, the local authorities have a small float of electric cars and bicycles for rent in order to keep out the fuel powered vehicles around the temple.
Local authorities have declared a state of emergency.
With interstates under feet of water, and most of the streams and rivers near the city in flood stage, local authorities have asked boat owners to join rescue efforts.
«Mount Agung has been erupting since November 21st and local authorities have raised the state of alert to the highest level.
The local authorities have indicated that both Mount Agung and Mount Sinabung continue to show signs of volcanic activity and the possibility of volcanic eruptions remains.
Local authorities have announced the highest possible alert level of the active volcano following an increase in its volcanic activities.
«Local authorities have temporarily suspended all outdoor activities such as hiking and camping activities in proximity to the crater,» the department said.
Our rescue team has rescued both domestic and wild animals (dogs, cats, birds, equines, pigs, monkeys, etc.) The primary requisite for Animal Rescue Corps» involvement is that there be a number of animals in need of rescuing that's larger than what local authorities have the resources to rescue.
Local authorities have been looking into cruelty and neglect at some puppy farms as part of Assembly Government - funded projects.
The local authorities have come up with different tools in order to help, support and attract teachers.
As with all sports cars, local authorities have not crash tested the GT3.
Local authorities have also seen the special schools as potential cash cows in these straightened times.
Local Authorities have been asked to prioritise capital expenditure according to their local circumstances.
Mark — Since the early noughties Local Authorities have had the power to sack governors and replace the with an Interim Executive Board.
Recently, most local authorities have been following a policy of reducing the number of principal teachers in secondary schools by combining departments and having PTs titled «curriculum leaders» or «faculty heads», who essentially carry out the same responsibilities but over more than one department.
The report found local authorities have been able to provide «sufficient school places to meet demand» so far (see image below).
Two London local authorities have amended the sibling priority rule from 2016, taking away the automatic entitlement to school places for a number of families.
«What you do is give freedom to a bunch of entrepreneurs who don't really have a huge amount of experience of education and they develop schools, as opposed to the collective wisdom local authorities have gained over a century.
He said it was important to improve the quality of AP and share best practice in order to tackle the issue, but on the subject of raising the age limit to 18, he said it is a «power» that local authorities have, but not a «duty».
Local authorities have added «bulge» classrooms - but parents worry about the outsize primary schools
It argues that local authorities have a «critical role» in improving schools and calls on the government to clarify how they can act as brokers between local schools.
Under the academies scheme, when council - maintained schools choose to convert, local authorities have to pick up the tab for the costs of conversion including the cost of any deficit and legal fees.
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