Sentences with phrase «local churches if»

Ask some of the local churches if they help the homeless or know who does.
Later down the line, we do point subscribers in the direction of A Church Near You so they can find a local church if they want to take it one step further, however.»

Not exact matches

If you were asked to picture the regular attendees of an average local church, a few things might come to mind: You might think of a quaint, middle - class family who...
If you really think that badly of our church, go to, or go talk to the local missionaries in your area.
And if as a university they stay within their limited mission of the formation of disciples through the formation of the Christian mind, then it is not clear to me why their worship as a university has to take the same form as the local church.
I will devote as much time and energy to my local church as possible, because if I don't, I am letting Jesus down.
You might quit attending services at a local church, but if you were ever his, there is no leaving.
So perhaps the Church's central administration should stop relating to dying European local churches as if they weren't dying, and recognize that they are, in fact, mission territory.
He seems to imply that if someone is not committed to a local church group, then they are not committed to the universal Body of Christ.
Or if the local church had discerned with you that sense of call then sent you off to do it, would that feel more appropriate?
A profound Christian revival of local congregations might be too much to hope for as a consequence of coming to grips with inclusive language, if there were not another factor common to most of the churches that have taken inclusive language seriously: they are also the churches most likely to be open to the ministry of ordained women.
If you can dismiss me because I didn't go to Yale or Fuller, because I'm a non-American woman, because I'm a lady - preacher, because I'm charismatic, because I still love the local church, because you don't like my tone or my face or my age or my race, because I'm too much into All That Grace Stuff, then I'm not worthy.
If they're based merely on the local church (even if it is very healthy and completely biblically legitimate), they fall far short of what we are designed foIf they're based merely on the local church (even if it is very healthy and completely biblically legitimate), they fall far short of what we are designed foif it is very healthy and completely biblically legitimate), they fall far short of what we are designed for.
The Catholic Church can not refuse to hire a nurse who is Muslim, e.g., because of her religion, even if they know the employee's salary is going to be donated to the local Mosque.
Wouldn't it be better for the poor if the pope authorized the local churches to provide birth control?
If at times the descriptions of Foyer communities conjured up images of kaftan communes of the 1960s, these were held at bay by repeated assertions of Marthe's adherence at all times to the Church's Magisterium, of each Foyer opening only at the invitation of the local bishop and of snippets of Marthe's such as «Mass is not an obligation... it is a necessity!»
If you aren't a part of a local church and you claim Christ as important in your life, you need to follow his teaching and add your gifts and abilities to those of others who are trying to make a positive difference in this world and the next.
I am sure they were kind - hearted and loved the Lord deeply, but I wondered if what we were doing, whether we knew it or not, was worshipping at the altar of our American - defined ideal of success, only in the setting of a local church.
Hosted by local churches trying to compete with haunted houses during the Halloween season, Judgment Day Houses are designed to frighten participants into making commitments to Christianity by dramatically portraying the splendors of heaven that await them if they accept Christ the horrors of hell that will befall them if they don't.
It is about the big things: Inviting people to church but loving them just the same if they say «no,» actually making it a priority to participate and serve in the ministries of the church, financially investing in the mission of the local church and yielding to God's direction of my life over my own ideas of how this life should go.
It would have been corrected much faster if local christians and churches had taken concerted action, or if the RCC had stepped in to control its cult members, Hitler and others.
We offer groups for every other category of life, but when it comes to singles — if you're past college, there's a good chance you're out of luck when it comes to finding a group to connect with at your local church.
If we turn to the local church, the situation varies.
Feel free to look up where the local Mormon church is in your area and attend if you wish.
If you owned this, this, or one of these, then you're a Church kid; one of those select few whose parents shuttled you off to your local house of worship whenever the doors were open.
Another problem arises from the church's increasingly local identity: If laity care less and less about the denomination as a larger entity, then clergy will be the guardians of denominationalism.
But no minister, unless immured within his local church structure, is devoid of teaching opportunities in other settings — if he sees them as such and responds appropriately to them.
No matter that even in our own complex and secular day, when the old notion of «parish» as a particular area where people sleep and work has almost expired, the majority of people can still be ministered to by local churches for most of their lives if they are interested in the services of ministry.
«I think if we change that step and really become students of each other's narratives and ask questions about why people perceive certain things in a certain way instead of jumping to judgment, then I think we'll be better equipped to have more diversity in local churches
If it is the latter, then maybe you should think about painting a picture of a local church as you see it with its current evil influences, then explain why you think these influences are of the enemy.
If you are only serving in the church or a local charity so that people will praise you and honor you and recognize you... you are doing it for the wrong reasons.
If he knows it and lives in it as the tradition of the great Church he has an authority in the local and the contemporary Christian community which the man who represents only the tradition of a national or denominational or localized community can not have.
If you believe God has called you then that has to be tested, and not just tested with your local church, but also in the wider Cchurch, but also in the wider ChurchChurch.
If then, the educational functions of the church have been taken over by the state, the charity functions by local agencies, so that
If he knows the great tradition he will also know that it is his duty to represent it, interpreting the mind of the Church rather than acting as the representative of a fleeting majority of living and local church meChurch rather than acting as the representative of a fleeting majority of living and local church mechurch members.
But the organization's leaders deliberately emphasize the role of the local church «as the primary means of faithful expression to God» and continued discipleship among groups of women through its year - round Bible studies, called IF: Equip.
«If you are an evangelical woman with teaching gifts, there aren't always role models in your local church.
What if we stopped «having church» in our Christian buildings, and instead went down to the local beach, or the local restaurant, or the local bar?
What I mean is that, if you take 1 Timothy 2:12 in it's most plain sense, at face value, then women are not allowed to teach period; somehow you have inferred that men can learn from women when done «PRIVATELY» but not «IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LOCAL CHURCH
But my guess is that if «local» accommodation becomes impossible, Catholics unhappy with this state of affairs will simply leave the Church (few believe that this would put their salvation at risk).
The book abounds with such information and ideas, so please, if you are involved in the mission board of your church, are helping plan a mission, have teenagers going on a mission, or are thinking of going on a mission trip yourself (even if it is just to the local homeless shelter), you must read this book.
If you're actually interested in becoming Catholic, stop by your local church and ask for some info.
Now, if you are a member local church, which is the (building were members of the church meet) what do you mean sunday worship is the mark of the beast.
I don't care if it's the LDS leaders, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, The Unification Church, Orthodox Church, Amish Bishops or your local priest, pastor, imam or rabbi — men love to control other men and tell them what to believe, how to dress, what to eat, what to wear, who to marry....
I have a really hard time buying into the concept that my spiritual gifts are being wasted if I am not plugged into program X, Y, Z «teaching» or «adminstering» or «encouraging» for the benefit of a local church.
If through greater sensitivity to its stories a local church better discerns its constitution and mission, the effort of narrative analysis will have a significant result.
Now that people in the mainline denominations are starting to talk unembarrassedly about church growth and evangelism of a fairly conventional sort, Wheeler worries that the potential exists for any emphasis on congregational studies to be misinterpreted as an outgrowth of the spirit of the times — which views local communities of believers uncritically, as in - arguably good things, and assumes that if there is anything the matter with them it is that they aren't big enough.
«Neither the stereotype that people in seminaries have of local churches nor the stereotypes the churches have of themselves hold up very well if the congregation is really studied carefully and conscientiously,» she says.
«For many if not most of the people I was coming into contact with in local churches, talking about their congregation meant citing statistics of one sort or another, or details of particular programs.»
Societally alienated persons are far too often rejected by the local congregation and responded to, if at all, primarily in terms of a «mission» on the part of the church to these groups — to alcoholics, the mentally retarded, the physically disabled, returnees from mental hospitals, the violence - prone, former prisoners, and the aging.
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