Sentences with phrase «local cooling»

Here's the original research: Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes
Population density, for example, influences how many people are at risk in a given hot spot and alters a city's willingness to invest in local cooling.
(Global average temperature fell by about a degree during the Little Ice Age, although scientists have struggled to quantify local cooling.)
This is more or less correct (given the obvious uncertainties in long term data from the continental interior), but analogously to the example above, local cooling does not contradict global warming.
Following the conversion of cerrado grasslands into sugarcane in Brazil, a recent study in Geophysical Research Letters found local cooling that approached 1 degree Celsius during the growing season and maximum local warming near 1 degree Celsius post-harvest.
It might slow things down for a while, but the climate change we're seeing now — and it's real, folks — is more than enough to take on a little temporary cooling, especially local cooling.
The liquid condensed at the bottom evaporates creating local cooling and rises; the way ocean water and all water does from the surface as an enormous pool of evaporative phase change refrigerant for the surface (and the atmospheric bath of nitrogen / oxygen).
On the one hand (as Lloyd noted in his review of Local Cooling), this application adds no real functionality — all of the settings can be changed through the normal power options in most operating systems.
She is working on several urban ecology projects in Los Angeles, California, evaluating the use of urban forests for carbon sequestration, local cooling, and water conservation.
Indeed, even existing solar panels can have a local cooling effect if they are placed over dark surfaces, such as black roofs.
And at least one Stanford climate modeler suggests that local cooling has never been shown to create global warming.
In 2011 Stanford University researchers found that white roofs would provide some local cooling but at the expense of more global warming, largely because such cooling means less hot air rising and therefore fewer clouds forming.
If visiting in April expect some hot, sticky days but it's also a good chance to see how the locals cool down with their New Year's water festival.
In Reply to comment 9: «A difficult point for me is: in what way can we partly attribute all phenomena (even a local cooling) to AGW...?»
Sort of like global warming: «generally» rising has local cooling (suggesting that, like glaciers, the LOCAL situation, like cloudiness / albedo / ocean currents) is the significant factor, and not an equally distributed, universal force (like CO2)
By analogy, the expected future warming may come smoothly, but may come with jumps, short - lived or local coolings, floods or droughts, and other unexpected changes.
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