Sentences with phrase «local effects»

While models might gather up local effects like these, they can be hard to track down.
But I see you are mixing up local effects with global effects.
It has a profound local effect and will produce a night you won't forget for years.
An explosion in 1999 whose local effect was probably hidden by the cloud of water vapor arising from the warming, is still poorly understood.
Everybody deposits carbon dioxide fossil fuel waste locally, but it does not have a merely local effect.
But variation in local feedbacks (and hence in local climate sensitivity) does seem to have more local effects.
«Previous work on effects of disturbance on populations has focused on local effects of disturbance, but this work suggests that we might also need to consider a larger landscape perspective — we should take into account the disturbance history of neighboring areas,» Underwood said.
As many of volcanologists and volcanophiles waited to see how this eruption that started over a month ago would progress, we all discussed the potential for local effects like volcanically - generated floods in Iceland or the effect of ash on crops and animals on the island nation.
But, it is likely that these estimates are strongly biased by local effects, and that actual global trends have been overestimated or underestimated.
The reason is that unlike CO2, black carbon and aerosols break down and come to earth (as soot and acid rain) relatively quickly, so that they have only limited, local effects in the areas in which they are produced.
Most continental to global reviews of the Holocene sedimentary charcoal record have concluded that fire activity is most strongly correlated with climate variability and suggest that anthropogenic burning had only local effects on land cover (52, 53).
The governor could determine whether the upcoming environmental review of Gateway Pacific Terminal in Cherry Point, Wash., for example, considers the effect of global greenhouse gas emissions from shipping coal overseas from the project, and not just local effects such as coal dust from trains, explained Macfarlane.
Second, how do a bunch of KNOWN local effects, which are known and effectively dealt with by techniques currently employed, produce a GLOBAL signal?
Testosterone delivered this way can cause local effects such as hair growth on the face.
And there can be a transport of energy from the tropical Pacific to continental and polar regions where the Planck Response overwhelms positive, heat - trapping local effects.
This detailed study of carbon chemistry dynamics highlights the need to incorporate local effects of nearshore oceanographic processes into predictions of coral reef vulnerability and resilience.
At least embryonic stem cells, unless they were being used for what we might call local effects, something that you could be sure if you weren't right it wouldn't cause harm.
Single nominations in several tech categories went to Australia Day, Dance Academy: The Movie, Jungle, Killing Ground, Red Dog True Blue and Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume 1; international productions Deepwater Horizon and Doctor Strange were cited for their use of local effects houses.
The question I have is how much of the current AMO warming period is due to a faster local effect of Anthropogenic Global Warming?
However, as the Pompeians found out, large enough explosions can have huge local effects.
So although we've witnessed the first clearly climate change - related Amazonian droughts and the world just reached the +1 degrees warmer state, we probably still haven't seen the true local effects of this new temperature — and by the time we do see it, it will be warmer still.
Their causes range from completely unpredictable events like volcanic eruptions (which have mainly local effects) to more regular phenomena such as «El Niño» (a warming of the surface waters of the tropical Pacific that occurs every three to five years, temporarily affecting weather world - wide).
The Stern - Garnaut approach prefers to wreck the whole economy now for the sake of avoiding putative and far - off local effects.
A couple of years back Ken Green at NSW NPWS co-authored a paper ¹ showing a modest local effect, which I've been meaning to look into.
«In summary, our results emphasize the significant role of remote oceanic influences, rather than the direct local effect of anthropogenic radiative forcings, in the recent continental warming.
Both have negative local effects (air pollution, congestion, negative amenity and so on) that haven't been properly taken into account, in addition to generating CO2 emissions.
«A significant change in the strength of the AMOC would alter winds, temperatures and precipitation patterns around the globe, with potentially strong local effects along the east coast of the United States and the west coast of northern European countries,» he said.
In the paper, the two main findings are said to be that: (1) the net local effect of the volatiles lost when trees are cut is cooling, and (2) that this volatiles effect is of similar magnitude to albedo and CO2 effects from deforestation.
In the case of Roger Pielke Sr. he points out that global changes has important LOCAL effects also (there is an interesting report and perspective in a recent Science about how global trends are amplified in the Artic).
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