Sentences with phrase «local expression»

At the same time, people have chosen to favor regional and even more local expressions of faith.
Such diversity attests to the rich local expression in Christianity, setting a precedent for the need to honor local culture in the celebration of a global inheritance.
There are three further reasons why I and other students of congregational life invite a wider probe of the idiomatic local expression of church life.
About Blog We are a unique local expression of the Episcopal Church — a faith as old as Christianity but particularly American in its origins.
Pope Pius XI may well have not wanted any persecution, but the average Italian Pentecostal during the 1930s would not have differentiated between him and local expressions of Catholicism.
But local expressions of the universal Church that organize for evangelism, ministry, discipleship, accountability, worship, etc. still exert an influence in our relationships, just not the primary one.
The same is true with the local expression, the association.
So, even as Newman drove me away from much of evangelicalism, he led me not to Rome but to Geneva and to traditional, Reformed Protestantism — a religion that eschews the parading of personal religious experience, sees sacraments as crucial, and takes seriously its connection, through the great ecumenical creeds, to a Christianity that is bigger than its local expressions or even its denominational and confessional manifestations.
If everyone who became part of a local expression of the Body of Christ knew these were the ground rules it probably would not be a problem.
What if the point of community was just to be community that is working towards being a functional, healthy and whole community, a small model of what unity in diversity looks like, a local expression of the Body with all its members?
Although I experience it with my online community... but the local expression of it vanished.
As the worldwide church tries to look ever more like Jesus, I firmly believe that local expressions of the church that have no buildings or paid clergy will become standard, and gatherings with buildings and paid clergy will become less frequent and more rare.
The local expression of brassinosteroid receptors only in the meristem is sufficient to set this value.
Local expression of GM - CSF may also evoke an enhanced adaptive antimelanoma response (Figure).
Local expressions and accents are quite variable in all languages.
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