Sentences with phrase «local flood»

Under the projected increase in frequency and magnitude of river floods, traditional approaches based only on rising indefinitely local flood protections are not sustainable in the long term.
The federal government also is updating local flood plain maps across the nation.
Your agent can help ensure that you have enough coverage and provide answers to your questions about local flood hazards.
How to use such models to provide information in support of local flood management (such as the design of flood defences) is a source of intense scientific debate and disagreement.
Meanwhile more heavy rains increase local flood risks over the southern US and especially East Africa, where malaria might strike in flooded areas.
He says 18 of Britain's nuclear power plants are on land liable to flooding and dependent on local flood defences.
But state officials acknowledged that, with Hurricane Harvey wreaking havoc along the Gulf of Mexico, the timing of help for local flood victims could be affected.
Likewise, the torrential rains of January and February can cause local flooding, which can damage homes and lead to problems like toxic mold.
But the eepartment has no way of knowing whether local flood management systems are adequate or when it should step in.
«Having a better understanding of the chances of local flood damage from rising seas in coastal areas is a key factor in being able to assess vulnerability, risk and adaptation options.»
Not only can this help reduce local flooding, it also recharges underground aquifers.
This year I've noticed that, as local flooding occurs every year, the weather forecasters, and especially the media reporting the risks are beginning to irritate some people with their precautionary principle.
The company even recycles heat given off by furnaces, reduces drainage to prevent local flooding problems, and uses vegetable oil within tractor hydraulics so as not to contaminate forest floors.
But, if all one is basing opposition on is incremental personal risk of fire and explosion, then that needs to be looked at in terms of the incremental risk of climate change induced local flooding.
A state - funded study of the Oregon Columbia River levee system highlights the growing need to strengthen local flood control systems.
To date, 55 counties and 214 communities in West Virginia have voluntarily adopted and are enforcing local flood plain management ordinances that provide flood loss reduction building standards for new and existing development.
In some cases, the magnitude of future climate extremes is within a relatively wide range around that of local flood protections, so that the consequent ensemble range of estimated risk reduction can be large.
You should now fully understand what a flood plain is and where to find information about local flood plains.
Likewise, the torrential rains of January and February can cause local flooding, which can damage homes and lead to problems like toxic mold.
We already know you are attempting to pimp the flimsy «local flood» apologetics thing, but that isn't the only completely unbelievable thing in that myth.
Old - Earth Creationism typically holds to a local flood, and accepts Big Bang cosmology.
I have no problem at all with a global flood, but it should be mentioned that there are very conservative scholars that accept a local flood.
I think it was a local flood.
If you believe it was a local flood, then please explain how it is that you apparently accept the flood story in the bible.
Do you seriously not comprehend that what the writers of the bible might have seen as a global flood was probably very likely a local flood and due to their lack of ability to explore further, they wrote it in and added the fear factor of «be good or else»?
I know that many Christians believe in a local flood, and others believe in a global flood, myself being in the second group.
I do not believe it was a local flood either.
Committee chair Anne McIntosh added: «At a time of budgetary constraints councils must give flood protection work priority since many of them will need to increase the financial contribution they make to key local flood defence projects whilst also fulfilling their new duties to lead local flood work.»
A majority in those areas say that there was local flooding and public buildings were closed.
A comprehensive failure of the local flood warning arrangements left people clambering from bedroom windows to flee their flooded houses.
The difference in the intensity of its response, says the Salk researchers, is akin to sending a text message for a local flood warning (in the case of the DNA virus) versus a citywide tsunami siren (DNA break).
The Environment Agency (EA) has an overview of all flood and coastal erosion risk management, whilst Unitary and County Councils are responsible for managing the risk of all local floods.
There was some local flooding and minor damage to buildings in the north and east.
But to win the political debate, we need to spend less time on the details of the scientific debate and much more on the underlying values — the costs to humanity, society, and the economy of extreme weather, local floods, local droughts, freshwater scarcity, infectious disease, food security, coastline loss, biodiversity loss, etc., etc..
«Although the term «floods» is used consistently throughout the text, this is in reality the series of annual discharge peaks, hence the vast majority of events do not correspond to a flood in that they probably didn't exceed the local flood protection level.»
Local flooding is fairly possible to predict, and risk areas ought to be rather easy to identify by now.
Each flow peak of the future streamflow scenario exceeding the local flood protection levels is assigned an impact (PA and ED) through linear interpolation among the return periods estimated for the current climate.
2) The relocation mask is evaluated independently of the local flood protection standards, as a failure in the protections would likely induce a very large impact and a difficult recovery process.
... What is their IT infrastructure that local flooding has knocked out a National global website?
You may also wish to speak to an agent about the local flood zones.
These storms can do extreme damage to homes, with high winds, torrential rainfall and local flooding.
Currently, the Town of Surfside Beach is a CRS Class 9 and we receive a 5 percent discount on our local flood insurance premiums.
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