Sentences with phrase «local food supply»

But the salad chain's growth has also yielded some complications for its farmers, cheesemongers, and other local food suppliers.
There's no charge and we provide information about healthy foods, upcoming national and local events, and a resource guide of local food suppliers such as raw milk dairies, local organic farms and co-ops; and occasional demonstrations of food preserving techniques!
SPANA works directly with local food suppliers, harness makers, farriers and others, meaning we can drive improvements in animal welfare that last.
As a result, renewable marine resources are declining, endangering local food supplies, shorelines and tourism income.
The qualities of the Maya Nut makes it a key species in reforesting the Amazon as it is resistant to climate change and is likely to be very important for local food supply in the future.
Noting that the city has invested many millions of dollars to preserve watershed lands around its upstate reservoirs, the plan notes that a city commitment to protecting its foodshed would be a «game changer,» assuring local food supplies reach urban food deserts and leveraging substantial additional support from other public and private sources.
Agricultural production and fisheries resources are expected to decrease, reducing local food supplies and exacerbating malnutrition.
A photo - focused theme showcases this local food supplier and their unique products and recipes.
This rapid growth meant that breeding Passenger Pigeons could leave nesting sites quickly before exhausting the local food supply.
The birds come to the area to breed, attracted by the safe nesting sites on the cliffs and a local food supply.
Still, Eisenpress notes that sustainable pricing is hardly a problem of aquaponics alone — land is expensive in and around New York, so all local food suppliers have to find a way to charge more than the Californian and Mexican competition.
Massive herds suctioning the sea floor will eventually deplete a local food supply.
When virtually all the inputs — the farm equipment, the fertilizer, the pesticides, the seeds — are brought in from abroad and all the output is shipped out of the country, this contributes little to the local economy and nothing to the local food supply.
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