Sentences with phrase «local governance structures»

However, the success of regional structures depends on there being strong local governance structures that can participate fully, as Smith points out:
The role of the RSD in managing its charter schools consists largely of directing the open enrollment process, while allowing each school to operate with a high degree of autonomy; in contrast, the OPSB still operates traditional schools with local governance structures while also managing its selective, priority, and open enrollment charter schools (Adamson et al., 2015).
Ulster County legislator Don Gregorius, a five termer who has seen the local governance structure change from sole control by the legislature to one where a county executive shares power with the body, has announced he will not seek reelection in this year's elections.
Ulster County legislator Don Gregorius, a five termer who has seen the local governance structure change from sole control by

Not exact matches

In discussing how the school system's governance structure should be changed, the candidates contended that local districts and superintendents needed to be re-empowered.
Fifty - five percent of the voters polled said they support consolidating governance, including the structure of local and regional governing entities.
In relation to local government, I argued we need to restore proper governance arrangements for the party corresponding to local government structures, which would operate effectively and democratically, ensure accountability, oversee the operation of Labour groups in local government, their organisation and democratic functions, and review the operation of local campaign forums to ensure they meet the needs of both Labour groups and local parties.
I've got to believe that it's something about the structure of the charter sector — its governance by mission - driven boards instead of local politicians; its ability to recruit and retain educators that share a vision rather than a collective bargaining agreement (and conventional preparation and certification); its sense of urgency driven by accountability to authorizers and funders — that makes the difference.
This all means inevitable increased direct accountability to match new levels of autonomy, an increase in the number of small / medium MATs adopting corporate governance and management structures, the centralisation of some functions and leadership responsibilities and a need to develop internal capacity to respond the new local complexity in the system.
AFT's governance structure is largely centered on its locals, just as NEA's is centered on its state affiliates, which had their own financial troubles.
Hill and Jochim also argue that the current governance structures limit the democratic power of communities to engage in local control of their schools.
In fact, our letter said, the regulations are overly prescriptive and «run afoul of congressional intent to restore governance to state and local education leaders [and they] perpetuate the «No Child Left Behind» - like structure of maintaining rigid federal specifications for state accountability systems.»
While districts under control of mayors such as New York City and Chicago can count on the considerable political heft of municipal chief executives (and in the case of the Big Apple, the wallet of Mayor Michael Bloomberg) to beat back traditionalists in Albany and Springfield, districts with traditional school board governance structures often have few tools at their disposal against NEA and AFT locals with waning - but - still - more considerable political influence in statehouse corridors.
We believe in a governance structure that ensures compliance with Local, State, and Federal laws and guidelines.
As a national non-profit based in Los Angeles, we maintain a decentralized leadership structure that emphasizes local governance of our schools.
In the past decade, the debate over school control has shifted to include «takeover districts» in which schools that are deemed «chronically failing» are removed from the local school district and placed in a statewide district with a separate governance structure that is far less transpar - ent and accountable to the public.
Every state school finance formula system is unique — reflecting the nuances of revenue structures, student demographics, governance models, and policy preferences in state and local communities.
The difference is that magnet schools remain under the authority of the school district governance structure, whereas charter schools are independently operated public schools.40 Finally, local school boards may view charters as competition and may unduly reject applications.
This proposal implies that local and city governments can act independently of national strategy, which amounts to interference with national governance and polity structure.
Thus, the CDM rules should actively engage its stakeholders — the public and private sectors; local communities; and local, national, and international NGOs — in its operation and governance structure.
That's the word from the Ecosystems Climate Alliance, which says several key safeguards, as well as explicit language protecting intact forests, are missing: According to ECA, safeguards for transparent forest government structures, for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, for conservation of biodiversity all have not been finalized — considering that many of the countries which will benefit from REDD have weak governance to start with, ECA describes these as «gaping holes» that need to be closed.
However, they also work on an understanding that local territories differ and local consumers have different needs across the globe, therefore from a legal perspective, we have been supported to create the right legal frameworks and corporate governance structures for our local territories whilst always working closely with our regional and parent company colleagues to ensure the existence of as cohesive arrangements in the group as possible.
By adopting the concept found in the government's broader Indigenous policy, of integrated planning at the local and regional level, the traditional owner structures can be integrated into the community and regional tiers of governance.
While the discussions in chapters 1 and 2 recommend increasing the governance options available to traditional owners, their capacity to contribute to the economic and social development of the traditional owner group will be expanded by integrating these structures into the local and regional tiers of governance.
Final Report: Independent Assessment of New Jersey's Children Behavioral Health Care System (PDF - 1,500 KB) Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (2006) Discusses findings from an independent assessment in four areas: State - level governance structure, system of care development, interagency collaboration at State and local levels, and local level governance structure.
Strategies such as the pooling of funds; increasing the flexibility of funding at the regional and local levels; developing longer term, cyclical funding options; capacity building and providing management support could all assist in the development of Indigenous governance structures.
Some states are trying to better coordinate governance by: a) combining agencies / divisions into a new state early childhood agency; b) establishing state - level cross-agency children's cabinets, commissions, or councils to plan, coordinate, and integrate programs and services; c) creating public - private partnerships in which state government partners with private entities to fund early childhood initiatives; and d) establishing local early childhood governance structures.
The creation of an innovative governance structure, the Fitzroy Futures Forum, which combines local voices with government voices.
The evidence base includes outcomes for schools with a variety of governance structures in many local contexts, ranging from small charter schools to large and small district - run schools in urban and rural communities.
Their governance structure doesn't enable local communities to hold them accountable, and every year we are surprised at the new NGO that has rolled into our suburb or received funding to service our community, despite having demonstrated little engagement with our community.
NAR will soon kick off a relationship with the Boys and Girls Club of America, whose structure of local clubs and governance mirrors that of the Realtor ® organization.
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