Sentences with phrase «local legislatures»

"Local legislatures" refers to the governing bodies or assemblies at the local level, such as city councils, county boards, or municipal legislatures. They are responsible for creating and passing laws that affect their specific jurisdiction or locality. Full definition
She has testified before state and local legislatures in support of numerous policies.
Building a source of income gives you regular raises above inflation is most welcome in the face of local legislatures and / or employers like yours putting the clamps down.
Now local legislatures can make such changes without explanation, and it's up to voters to try to challenge them in lawsuits, and to do so often on an tight timetable, since courts won't want to change voting rules close to an election.
Astorino stressed that while immigration reform is needed, it is ultimately the duty of Congress, not local legislatures.
The City Council voted to raise its pay to $ 148,500 this past February, which has left a number of Albany lawmakers eyeing a run for local legislature next year.
In local legislature races, the Town of Ulster's Jim Maloney (R) won re-election in the new District 4, handily defeating Democratic challenger Mark Trott 1,351 - 607.
Central New York elected officials from state, federal and local legislatures spoke at today's event at the Oswego County highway garage, not far from FitzPatrick.
The passage of ESSA turned control of the country's K - 12 education system back over to the states, giving local legislatures more flexibility surrounding decisions about standards, assessments and other accountability measures.
A bipartisan bill, having a length of merely 3 pages (short) has been introduced, which would surely override backdoor endeavors of local legislatures, preventing them from proposing laws banning encrypted smartphone sales in their states or weakening the security of confidential public data.
Based on the experience of these state legislatures, and local legislatures in NY State, -LSB-...]
Kasich said he doubted Congress would take any actions but said he held out hope that state and local legislatures might.
The state GOP put a lot of resources into trying to help County Executive Rob Astorino end the Democratic grip on the local legislature by breaking its veto - proof majority.
Twenty - three state legislatures are already subject to their state FOI laws, as are local legislatures in New York, including the NYC City Council.
City Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito said today that she would «consider» proposing a law mandating that the local legislature contain a minimum number of women.
Abbate, a Democrat elected in 1986 to represent Bensonhurst and Dyker Heights, has yet to formally announce his intentions on the seat but has advertised them openly to local politicos (sources said he has not been shy about mentioning the appeal of the almost $ 70,000 salary bump he would get serving in the local legislature, and the corresponding benefits to his pension).
A $ 41 - million budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College is on its way this week to the local legislatures.
In 2009, however, the Republicans did quite well in local elections, retaking the Nassau County executive and comptroller's offices and the local legislature.
NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito said today that she would «consider» proposing a law mandating that the local legislature contain a minimum number of women.
But sources informed the Observer that Perkins has long been unhappy in Albany, where Democrats have languished in the minority for much of his tenure and where — after the most recent pay raise at City Hall — salaries are almost $ 70,000 lower than they are in the local legislature.
The post opened up after now - Councilman Bill Perkins won his current seat on the local legislature, prompting Gov. Andrew Cuomo to call a special election for the position for May 23.
According to Ulster County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach, however, equally constant is our local legislature's reluctance to look at Airbnb and its other shared economy home rental upstarts» presence as a key economic force.
Scalzo, who like the entire council is up for re-election, said the measure was prompted by an earlier proposal by Councilman Richard Conti to reduce the council to nine members and invest the savings in added staff to beef up the local legislature.
Gjonaj is one of several state lawmakers looking to move to the local legislature, where salaries are almost $ 70,000 higher than they are in Albany.
Central New York representatives from state, federal and local legislatures will host tonight's rally at 5:30 p.m. at the Oswego County Highway Garage, 31 Schaad Drive, off Route 104 in Scriba.
Meera Joshi, Mayor Bill de Blasio's chair of the Taxi and Limousine Commission, made the request of the local legislature's Committee on For - Hire Vehicles during a hearing at City Hall.
The Observer obtained an email Brooklyn Councilman Antonio Reynoso sent to fellow members of the local legislature, signed by him and by Bronx Councilman Ritchie Torres.
Over the past year, multiple state and local legislatures have considered (and some have passed) bills that reduce reliance on the cash bail system, swapping the money demand for risk assessment systems.
That personal representative is in charge of gathering up all the assets and reporting to the heirs based on the instructions in the will and based on the rules and laws of the local legislature.
Given the steady stream of news about municipalities all across the country considering some type of ban on pets — whether it's a ban on selling pets in pet stores or a ban on certain dog breeds — it is nice to hear that at least one local legislature is considering a ban on, well, bans.
imagine: a few hundred thousand stoned, laid back to the point of passivity, potheads «marching» (giggle) on the local legislature waving Twinkies (or the local equivalent), some of whom almost manage to speak (the potheads, that is, Twinkies don't speak, right?)
Each province's Law Society Act, which creates a monopoly for lawyers and allows us to be self - governing, was created and passed by the local legislature — and it can also be changed by the local legislature.
Indeed, Mills told parliament in June 1869 that if ever it was «a question whether Federal or Local Legislatures should be destroyed,» his view was that «the country would suffer far less by the destruction of the Federal power.»
As a result, it is likely that stronger protections will emerge from state and local legislatures, and more vigorous enforcement will be pursed by state actors.
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