Sentences with phrase «local property tax revenue»

Impact Aid provides federal financial assistance to school districts impacted by federal activities and compensates districts for their loss of local property tax revenue if they have non-taxable properties (such as military installations or tribal lands) within their boundaries.
A key driver of these suits has been attempts to resolve inequities driven by reliance on local property tax revenues for school funding, which creates disparities in access to revenue among taxing jurisdictions with varying values.
They are deprived of longstanding resources that compensate for the unwillingness of most states to provide adequate levels of funding for those districts that lack the capacity to raise enough money from local property tax revenues.
The Court said that «public school students are entitled to equal enjoyment of the right to education, and a system of school financing that relied on local property tax revenues without regard to disparities in town wealth and that lacked significant equalizing state support was unconstitutional.
Similarly, local property tax revenues grew at a 9.2 percent rate in Q4, compared to a 3.5 percent average rate previously.
The program was part of a controversial education bill signed into law in July by Gov. Rick Scott that also makes local property tax revenue available to charter schools.
Is this proposed measure really simply a way to protect property - rich «Basic Aid» school districts where local property tax revenues exceed the amounts districts would otherwise receive from the usual state funding formulas?
Local property tax revenues flow to LEAs at different times of the year based on statutory timelines and formulas.
The Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce recently reported that wind farms should provide more than $ 1 billion in local property tax revenue, proving that the financial benefits of wind can be found in every nook and cranny.
Foreclosed homes blight neighborhoods, encourage crime, reduce home values, and cause losses of local property tax revenue.
Today, the state pays for about half of the typical school district's education budget, most of the rest coming from local property tax revenue and a tiny slice coming from the federal government.
While the California Department of Education and the California's Community Colleges Chancellor's Office would report on student attendance and local property tax revenue.
On Friday the committee did approve an amendment that added $ 21 million for at - risk students and killed a plan that would have required districts to use some of their local property tax revenue for at - risk.
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