Sentences with phrase «local school teachers»

- The largest pension burdens are also associated with states that directly cover the cost of local school teacher pensions.
The school particularly hopes to recruit children of local school teachers, and will offer preferred admission to those families, he said.
Steve walks around telling people «I'm not a bad guy ``, McDormand shakes her head at him and says «It's just a job ``, and Krasinski buddies up with everyone... including local school teacher Rosemarie DeWitt, on whom Damon has a bit of a crush.
Goes to show you why you cant trust the tabliods who get quotes from Walcott representatives, which could in theroy be anyone who has helped him out on a daily bases so the local school teacher maybe.
As the film progresses, both Thomas, and Catherine the local school teacher in a sleepy midwest community (played by Virginia Madsen) wind up opposing Gabriel's hunt for the dark soul, and therein lies the majority of the film's action.
We asked respondents to assign a percentage of their local school teachers to four categories (unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, or excellent).
When asked to rate the importance of various actors» voices in informing their position on teacher evaluation policy, nearly all state education policy makers — Democrats and Republicans alike — consistently rated «local school teachers» as «very important» (see Figure 1).
Similarly, when asked to select the most and least important actors in informing their position on an education policy, nearly all state education policy makers selected «local school teachers» as one of the most important actors (see Figure 2).
In 2014, two local school teachers, Sandra Zupetz and Patricia Paddock, applied for and were accepted into the Arizona Charter School Association's Fellowship, a program that incorporated research and charter development, visitations of highly performing charter schools around the country, and guidance and mentoring via successful school leaders from across the Valley.
A local school teacher suggested they slow Brandenn down until he was 6 and could enroll in kindergarten.
Two local school teachers and experienced performers.
Every character that you come across is recruitable from your mother and brother to the Chief of Police and the local school teacher.
His father was a local school teacher and a member of the NSDAP who lost his job after the war (in which he had served).
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