Sentences with phrase «local setting»

His works often take their points of departure in local settings, from which broader issues can be identified.
• Trained new hires and provided clients needed training on actual environments and local settings initiatives.
The outdoor space is filled with food vendors, perfect if you love trying different cuisines in an authentic local setting.
It gets even better as you can enjoy content on apps based on local settings.
I'm going to change things up a bit from the usual state - national - local set up of this newsletter.
Develop and utilize marketing materials that focus on brand recognition strategies, and provide strategic event organizational initiatives for local settings.
The growing complexity of modern living, for individual, communities and societies, also suggests that the solutions to our problems will be also be complex: in a structurally imbalanced world, the imperative of reconciling diverse perspectives and interests, in local settings with sometimes global implications, will require young people to become adept in handling tensions, dilemmas and trade - offs.
Seamless Update: the automatic and manual migration of local settings from previous release to current release
Events held at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess are filled with a sense of exclusivity, tempered with the charm and grace of our authentically local setting.
These monthly friday - night events attract around 1,000 art and music lovers looking for a sophisticated night out in a lovely and lively local setting.
Founded in 2010, Motley Brews was created for locals and breweries and brew fans alike to share great libations in a true local setting.
Although an observational study of this nature can not assess the extent to which mass drug administration was responsible for eliminating malaria, it certainly indicates that mass drug administration should be considered and can be effective in local settings alongside other malaria control measures.
Students could compare the features of the baptismal service here with services in a more local setting.
When locals set up paranormal - searching equipment at the B&O Museum in Oakland, Maryland, they heard footsteps.
There were very few tourists in Centro Habana, so our initial walk through our neighborhood was very much about observing locals setting out for the day.
To actually improve the education of America's children, state and federal policymakers should formulate and implement policies that provide incentives for problem - solving in local settings.
Events held at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess are filled with a sense of exclusivity, tempered with the charm and grace of our authentically local setting.
Perched amongst the towering city, your One Bedroom with Large Terrace showcases views of Hong Kong to immerse in the lively local setting.
It is impossible for the universal church to all gather, so we must gather in smaller, local settings.
Both grew without external sponsorship, embraced youthful mobile populations, gave a public role to women, featured voice over text, exploited open spaces in the social system, aggressively globalized their message, adapted to local settings, attracted the marginalized, and established clear yet selective boundaries between themselves and the surrounding culture.
Esvelt plans to develop CRISPR gene drives in nematode worms — a fast - reproducing model organism — that are designed to spread a genetic modification in a local setting and then fizzle out, a concept that other scientists are pursuing.
I go to India once a year to transfer my knowledge and train collaborators, but it would really be great to have more mechanisms that allow my collaborators and mentees to visit me in the United States often, perhaps for internships of 3 to 12 months, to learn first - hand from our methods and then go back and apply these in their local setting.
You to someone in your local settings and to specify.
Looking at the Digital Family Summit session schedule below, we see there's a great deal schools could do to reciprocate the experience back in a local setting.
«I do know that on several occasions when I have requested that N2H2 unblock a site, they have told me that the blocking is because of our local settings.
Have them create a simple background or use a local setting as the backdrop for a «Live at 11 news report.
We need a CPD programme that can be tailored to the needs of individuals, local settings and broader national imperatives.
to compare the setting in a book with local settings (in your community).
Use of authentic, relevant, and real - time cases such as those assembled in preservice teachers» blogs has the potential to allow preservice teachers to identify examples of successful practice within the local setting even as they allow for collaborative consideration of how to improve a real teaching situation (Davis & Yeager, 2005).
They speak about the amount of time that is invested in developing the school «s vision, gathering research information, and then applying it to the local setting.
Principals whose teachers rate them high on Instructional Climate emphasize the value of research - based strategies and are able to apply them in the local setting.
More than a decade ago, Pete founded the widely acclaimed, Technology Leadership Institute, whose purpose is to allow educators at all levels to work together to frame the key issues of the day, share best practices, and participate in discussions with national educational leaders in a local setting.
For example, our boat reminded me that all education improvement efforts are better when they are tailored to local settings (McKenzie River drift boats, which allow for easy maneuvering in rapids, were adapted from the open - water dory to meet local needs, that is, the conditions of the McKenzie River — one of the country's finest spots for fishing).
On a PC running Windows, you will find this same information stored at \ Documents and Settings \ Your Name \ Local Settings \ Applications Data \ Kobo \ Kobo Desktop Edition (\ Users \ Your Name etc. on Vista and Windows 7).
The fact that HP has no «ecosystem» for this product line and apparently no desire to build out a desktop / phone / tablet / laptop / cloud / local set of components (like Apple has), places it in competition not with the iPad, but with the «others» and i don't know what niche it will fill (cheap — android, messaging = playbook, office - ish - Win7).
Go to the following location on your disk: C: \ Documents and Settings \ [YOURUSERNAME] \ Local Settings \ Temp \ (C: \ Users \ [YOURUSERNAME] \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ in Vista) and copy the folder WZSE0.TMP and paste it on your desktop
Many of the lakes are frozen solid in wintertime, so the locals set up outdoor skating rinks with views of the stunning snow - capped mountains all around.
The interiors were designed by NYC - based Samuel Amoia, who transformed natural materials into simple, geometric pieces that fuse beautifully with the local setting.
The bedroom with comfortable king - size bed, crisp, clean, smooth linens and bed coverings presents a combination of style and practical design that was inspired by the local setting.
Locals set up nifty shade structures fashioned together with vibrantly patterned tapestries, barbecuing, cooking tajine, or having jam sessions with traditional Moroccan instruments.
I truly enjoyed this remake and the fact that I can play with and against my friends in a local setting without having to carry heavy TVs and consoles and everyone being able to bring their own setups just sent me to the moon.
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