Sentences with phrase «local voices»

Local voices from all communities (both rural and urban) are essential to shaping more equitable education funding policy.
Now local voices, including those of MPs and parliamentary staff, play a much bigger role.
The network provides a platform to share information, support and strategy, empowering local voices to enter the policy conversation and take action to improve educational quality for all children.
We privilege local voices and people with interesting perspectives and expert knowledge as well as guides that talk about locally owned businesses, responsible travel, and community tourism.
To receive more stories like this, as well as our FREE travel guides with a focus on local voices, sign up for our newsletter below.
As the executive director of the Philadelphia Student Union, he has spent decades as an advocate for local voices in public schools.
«We think it would reintroduce some form of local voice and local oversight into the school system.»
Thank you to Governor Cuomo, Assemblymember Glick, Senator Kavanagh, Community Board 1 and all the community advocates for helping us bring more local voices to BPCA.»
The creation of an innovative governance structure, the Fitzroy Futures Forum, which combines local voices with government voices.
National Public Radio's in - house social media expert and reporter Andy Carvin both watched the Arab Spring revolts and helped to amplify local voices for a Western audience.
Miner's office started «Trump Tuesdays,» a weekly downtown gathering where locals voice concerns over presidential priorities like defunding arts agencies and barring refugees from the U.S.. She's also spoken at rallies protesting Trump's immigration orders and the GOP's initial attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
The inaugural program also represents the global and local voices represented in ICA Miami's programs, from renowned Trinidadian artist Chris Ofili, to emerging Miami artist Tomm El - Saieh.»
Expressing hope that the investigation will hear local voices, Mr Day added: «Our prayer at ADF is that the investigation that is to come really engages with high - level advisors in the academic field and non-governmental organisations on the ground».
Part of the government's ownership of NT&T was sold to the private sector and new local voice carriers were allowed in the market place.
Voter access In the July 4 Local Voices South, letter writer Paul Breit said he would «oppose all efforts by conservative legislatures to limit voter access to the polls.»
«I'll be a dedicated local voice for those who want to change the failed status quo of high taxes, more government and less opportunity created by liberal politicians in Albany and Washington.»
«With Albany County boasting some of the most restrictive anti-gun measures this side of New York City, Denise Sheehan, as supervisor of the largest town in the county, would be a prominent local voice of reason.»
With the launch of their second exhibition Harlem Perspectives, FACTION Art Projects — a Bristol - based arts collective who recently opened Gallery 8 in the historic Strivers» Row district of Harlem — chimed in as a new, local voice invested in reinforcing the perception of Harlem as a hotbed for social innovation and cultural entrepreneurship.
The bilingual, nomadic, online, event - based radio transmission will host a temporary cultural platform inviting female local voices to represent the city with sound, music, conversation, and language experiments, addressing topics of movement, migrations and economy.
Related reading: Neo-Colonialism in Travel Writing: Why We Need More Local Voices and How to Include Them
It made a lot of points: homogeneity, lack of inclusiveness and representation, superficiality, unwillingness to discuss politics and history, and the invisibility of local voices.
I have hesitated to write about Ferguson because I have preferred to amplify local voices or the voices of those who have been engaged in the real and difficult work of race relations in the United States.
But most organizations will have to make a choice about where to concentrate, and here's why: most of our organizing tools aren't so great at targeting congressional district offices, where local voices can stand out.
Local voices from places such as Putumayo, Arauca, Catatumbo and La Guajira, some of the country's most neglected regions, all remain skeptical that the government will be able to meet its promises.
The inaugural program also represents the global and local voices represented in ICA Miami's programs, from renowned Trinidad - based artist Chris Ofili, to emerging Miami - based artist Tomm El - Saieh.»
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), presents an important opportunity for local voices to influence the future of public education in Colorado.
Agents were reluctant to give up a local voice and good services for something that was not totally clear.
The local voice was present in a way not true of the on - line church experience.
While traveling, visiting and listening to local voices, the true value of this library as an empty symbol was revealed.
While his advocacy for good government is well known throughout national politics, Steve is a local voice with strong community roots in Bayside where he is also a member of Community Board 11, the place he calls home.
Woodstock Town Board members and their critics on August 13 voiced clashing views on a proposed amendment to the local
SAVE Saratoga co-founder Colin Klepetar told WAMC at the time: «We're concerned with the fact that bringing a casino to Saratoga Spring without any local control or local voice or local say is not a part of the Democratic process... Most other communities are fully embracing brining a casino to their community and Saratoga Springs does not.»
In Benin, where they had better governance and more local voice they could mitigate the effects of the «supermarket» closing.»
GayLGBT Seattle, WA entertainment news and lifestyle guide featuring dining and nightlife directories, local voices, travel, businesses, free personals, vip event.
From films made in China, Iran and Denmark, to those made right here in Montauk and East Hampton, I'm excited to be presenting our audiences global perspectives and local voices
Hess also praised the XQ belief that going directly to local groups of educators, students and community members would lead to proposals that were grounded in local voices, local conditions and local support for new approaches.
May 27, 2016: The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), presents an important opportunity for local voices to influence the future of public education in Colorado.
Local voices carry weight, and greater numbers of local voices carry greater weight.
More diversity would be great, but I'm not so sure that local voices are the answer.
If you're a travel writer or travel blogger, I believe we have an obligation to include, if not center, local voices.
In 2015, Slow Travel Stockholm continued to grow with talented contributors who help strengthened STS with their unique voices and we also launched a special section called «Local Voices» where we'll be introducing you to locals and some of their favourite things to do in Stockholm...
In 2015, Slow Travel Stockholm continued to grow with talented contributors who help strengthened STS with their unique voices and we launched a special section called «Local Voices» where we'll be introducing you to locals and some of their favourite things to do in Stockholm.
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