Sentences with phrase «lockout position»

The phrase "lockout position" refers to a specific position or setting of a device or mechanism where it is locked and unable to function or operate. Full definition
A word of caution here: if you have an unstable or misaligned overhead lockout position, then you are not ready to embrace the snatch.
Actually in lockout position you will notice that there is almost zero pressure on the tricep.
Your arms should reach lockout position at the top of the movement.
About 50,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers will be in a legal strike or lockout position as of Saturday.
For example, doing squat without coming to full lockout position of knees or pressing a barbell without locking out elbows.
Here's a visual of incorrect and correct lockout positions.
Disgusted, I unloaded the bar, set the safety rails on the nearest rack to just below lockout position, put 10 plates on either side then proceeded to bend the ever - lovin» CR @P out of that bar with the lockout partial squats from example # 1 in this article...
CrossFit Sanitas — WOD Skill Rowing Form and S2OH Cycling and Lockout Position Workout Of the Day Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds for Time 20/16 Cal Row 10 S2OH at 135/95 Directly into 2 min PVC Pipe Presses * just smooth and steady to help clear lactic acid.
You also want to ensure that your overhead lockout position is aligned properly.
Three lockout positions are built in for safety and convenience so you can work out alone without a spotter.
The weight is lowered in a slow and controlled manner until it lightly touches the forehead, then explosively pushed upward to a lockout position.
For the seated machine dips, have a training partner lift the weight for you so that you can perform only the lowering part of each rep.. Then, decrease the weight slightly and press the arms of the machine down until they are near the lockout position.
Make sure you don't hyperextend the lower back at the lockout position and maintain a neutral arch in your spine throughout the move.
Step 2: Squeeze the kettlebell and while keeping your shoulder down press the bell to a lockout position while keeping the distance between your ear and bicep.
For example, some people stall out at 2» or 4» inches from their lockout position which can actually be an area that you can specifically focus on when using pressing boards.
After the pause, you then press back to the lockout position.
As it passes above your shoulder, either punch through the handle of the kettlebell or wrap the kettlebell around your arm to reach the lockout position overhead without slapping the kettlebell against the back of your arm.
Elite FTS discussed the lockout position in the Deadlift in the article Finish Your Deadlift Upright
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