Sentences with phrase «logical approach»

I know that wide diversification is the most logical approach for someone within 2 years of retirement.
Sometimes parents need to use a more logical approach when they are choosing a camp.
Very logical approach to identifying and healing your fears, concerns and anxiety.
Why are you holding your personal god hypothesis above logical approach?
I have probably tried every single logical approach to nutrition at some point in my life.
Years of studying engineering gave him a result - oriented and logical approach People don't get married anymore.
In my opinion, this is the most logical approach.
And none of what you have said proves any likelihood of a creator over other theories, that have a more logical approach.
Therefore, the most logical approach for protecting threatened carnivores from canine distemper virus may be to target the vaccine on the endangered species itself.»
Unfortunately Agnostics and Atheists are the most trusted less in this country than any other belief, lack of belief, group in the entire country, running for public office as a non believer is a sure way not to win, so I running as a christian is the only logical approach to public office if you want to actually win
Along with a host of theologians in Friedrich Schleiermacher's wake, James turned from logical approaches like Pascal's to the evidence of lived experience.
Tactically, people en masse began to realize that the emotional and not logical approach is more effective, in part, thanks to popularization of the concepts of behavioral economics (Kahneman and Tversky).
«If more government leaders thought and worked like mothers, with common - sense logical approaches, our country would be in much better shape,» Rosenthal said.
The individual skills found in those who have undertaken the considered and logical approach often found in scientific learning and investigation, are the very ones the Party should now endeavour to acquire.
When writing in dissent, which he does fairly often, Gorsuch applies the same logical approach to dismantle the majority view.
It should also be mentioned that you can't get an X6 with a manual gearbox, which is a rather logical approach to be honest.
Rather, the Tucson takes a genuinely logical approach to making it as easy as possible for the driver to do the job at hand, while still providing easy, safe control of all those things we like to do while driving.
Ray I loved how you laid it out, so many times a simple logical approach can keep you from making stupid choices.
Its practical and logical approach enables quick clinical decisions and action due to a focus on procedure and protocol, along with the inclusion of detailed decision trees, easy - to - reference tables, algorithms, illustrations and sample worksheets.
Of the 41 participants, the 15 with impaired emotional capacity took the most logical approach to the game, investing in 84 percent of the rounds and ending up with $ 25.70 on average.
There are reasonable arguments for adopting the measures used in Quality and Price over those used in the Magic Formula, but it's not an unambiguously more logical approach than the Magic Formula.
An asset - based valuation remains the only logical approach to valuing Kenmare.
It follows very logical approach to matchmaking.
Mr. Eichenstein takes a practical and logical approach in his matters by always keeping the client's goals in mind.
At a time when there are changes to sentencing practice, a more consistent, logical approach which gives the public confidence in driver deterrence and road safety would have been welcomed.
It's a logical approach for selecting the best candidates.
Analyzing data qualitatively enables one to not only become data - driven; it also creates opportunities to become creatively - driven while weeding out the noise for a more logical approach.
«Developing such a logical approach, however, represents a formidable challenge to management.»
The TriggerCharts — Commander Series indicators are a structured and logical approach to analyzing and interpreting the markets that has its foundation in the principles of Auction Market Theory and Market Profile ®, developed by legendary floor trader, Peter Steidlmayer.
If you just take a logical approach to drawing in your support and resistance levels you will save yourself a lot of time and frustration in the end.
The Commander Series is a structured and logical approach to analyzing and interpreting the markets.
The logical approach to such problems is to do something to change the external factors — cut down on one's work schedule (is it really
The most logical approach is to be agnostic.
Although Oz newspaper The Australian reported in October that a trade sale was likely, citing several Chinese companies as potential buyers, a spokesman told db the IPO was on track to take place towards the middle of 2017 following an «orderly, logical approach».
This talk will discuss a logical approach to nutrient retention, including transformation technologies, which ensures that the greatest amount of nutrients are retained in the human food chain.
db understands that the listing could take until June next year to be finalised and this would be ensure an «orderly, logical approach».
The collaboration was a logical approach.
db understands that the listing is still on track to take place towards the middle of 2017 following an «orderly, logical approach», with general manager Paul Schaafsma expected to stand down ahead of the IPO — although the spokesman would not be drawn on a potential timeline.
Looking at the bare argument, that the university would be more accessible to people (any person that can reach a metro stop) from all over the DC area and using a logical approach here, I think it makes sense that if more people are coming and going from campus, then there is a reasonable chance that crime could rise in the area.
Lockyer believes selling players may be the most logical approach to fund any investment though there's the alternative of overdraft facilities.
I adore her factual and logical approach to explaining the whys and hows of child nutrition.
So if you're a thinker who prefers a rational, logical approach, try to be open to — and not frustrated by — the more intuitive side to decision making when confronted with a feeler.
Einstein believed, passionately if a bit naively, that his logical approach could help here, too.
A logical approach to work and the ability to report the facts accurately, simply, and concisely are very important, as is a certain amount of creativity and problem - solving ability.
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