Sentences with phrase «logical coherence»

Logical coherence refers to the idea that something makes sense and has clear connections between its different parts. It means that all the information or ideas within a topic or argument fit together logically and smoothly. Full definition
Standards of criticism are: (1) intensity of belief, (2) concurrence in belief, (3) clear expression of belief, (4) analysis of belief, (5) logical coherence of belief, (6) exemplification of belief, and (7) adequacy of belief.
As presented so far, such proposals have lacked the fundamental moral and logical coherence necessary to make them credible.
Logical coherence.
And if logical coherence in the world (e.g., pleasure requires pain) is a good itself, then free will and logical coherence can legitimately create the world you see, while also showing it to be the «best» world possible.
The truth of the word depends neither on its objective content nor on its logical coherence, but on the person who speaks it.
To most of the Ancient Greeks, the criterion for truth was logical coherence, not correspondence to facts, and many, like Plato, were quite able to doubt empirical reality when it conflicted with a really good logical theory.
One can not prove anything by assuming the logical coherence of the classical idea of an ens realissimum or unsurpassable actuality, for this coherence is in no way known or knowable.
If no error, then no grievance, and the progressive's argument loses even the pretense of logical coherence.
In order to disprove omnipotence, you have to give God nonsensical tasks to complete that can not be completed with any logical coherence.
His work has a diversity and a logical coherence that establish him as one of the most singular and important artists of the second half of the century.»
The axiom of transitivity is, on the other hand, inferred from the theory of a consumer's preferences and it determines the logical coherence of the choices of a typical consumer.
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