Sentences with phrase «logical extreme»

The phrase "logical extreme" refers to taking an idea or belief to its utmost or highest conclusion, without considering practicality or consequences. It means following a line of thinking to its extreme limits, often to illustrate or contrast an extreme point of view. Full definition
But taking it to logical extremes bends it into something it's not.
On the other hand, both Kiki and Carla's mothers, the overly clingy Sandy (Cheryl Hines) and the oft - absent, free - spirited Isis (Susan Sarandon), fare much poorer, never developing beyond the cartoonish logical extremes of their respective daughters.
Some were logical extremes based on adaptions (Venustoise based on an anime scene, Mewthree based on the film's Mecha Mewtwo).
Atomization is verticalization taken to a newly conceivable logical extreme.
As he has put it, «If you pushed indexation to the very logical extreme you would get preposterous results.»
Well, a fan has taken it to the next logical extreme.
Individually, they would take Modernism to its most pure and logical extreme while opening the door to new aesthetic possibilities by paring down their visual language to the barest of essentials.
In a 2005 interview with Jay Sanders, published in Bomb, Conrad said of that era, «[I] t seemed to me the time had come to just skip right ahead and carry the whole formalist premise out toward an endgame, where the necessary logical extreme that had already occurred in painting and in performance and so forth years earlier could be exercised in film.»
To tour the Bloomberg offices in Midtown Manhattan — within a 2006 building designed by Cesar Pelli — is to witness the open plan aesthetic taken to its logical extreme.
Taken to its logical extreme, his research seems to argue that boards should have only female directors, but he's careful to point out that not all women score highly on complex moral reason (sometimes known as «CMR») decision - making, and some men do.
That view was taken to its logical extreme in the late 1990s when the «Super Major» oil company was born.
Vagueness can be avoided, of course, if we go to the logical extreme of such a move, which would lie in attributing to the consequent nature all valuations, reserving to the primordial nature only the constitution of metaphysical possibility and the subjective aim toward value realization in general.
He was far from being as profound a soul as Jeremiah, but in his youth he had been under Jeremiah's influence and he carried through to a logical extreme the doctrine of individualism that the older prophet had encouraged.
Take what you are saying you believe to it's logical extreme to point out the fallacy inherent.
Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.
Paul would not have pressed that interpretation to the logical extreme.
To ask what would Jesus do for every aspect of life becomes absurd when you push it to its logical extreme.
Taken to its logical extreme, however, it seeks to make gods of us all; and when it runs up against the objective world outside our imaginations (being hit by a truck, for example) it is proven inaccurate and inadequate.»
Otherwise, we leave ourselves open to the accusation that the same argument, taken to the logical extreme, would see air travel and microwave ovens banned on the same grounds.
Firth's restaurant is up in the Berkshires, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and they actually raise their own pigs, sheep, and laying hens to supply their kitchen — the locavore ethic taken to its logical extreme.
Years later, the Cavs and Warriors built their teams with three stars in mind, until Golden State took the approach to its logical extreme and added a fourth.
They're pushing the whole «go all in» thing to its logical extreme, to the point of recklessness.
Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly took that to a logical extreme in explaining why he has chosen to give quarterback Malik Zaire his first career start in the Music City Bowl.
Pushing this idea to its logical extreme, perhaps Chelsea could establish a stable of coaches, something like a managerial bullpen.
He is the logical extreme to everything we've come to expect from a Saban quarterback.
Maybe people are so sick and tired of hearing experts tell them what's «good» for them, that they run headlong into the other direction, taking «bad» food to its logical extreme?
It is really just the logical extreme extrapolated from your comment about getting one electoral vote.
A logical extreme based on Can congress be sued for prolonging the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice?.
From a farmhouse in the English countryside, gentleman scientist Julian Barbour plots to take relativity to its logical extreme and redefine the very nature of gravity, space, and time.
Now imagine taking this sort of revelation to its logical extreme.
1) If you took it to the logical extreme, you'd find that you'd only be able to walk, and then only be able to sit, and then only be able to stay awake at the MAF HR until you're forced to sleep, 23 days later.
That results in a lot of beautiful, mind - bendingly expensive things, but it also provides the occasional point of unintended hilarity and self - parody that happens when anything, including wealth, is taken to its logical extreme.
See, if someone makes an argument, the way to test it is to take it to its logical extreme, and in this instance, it shows that the argument really makes no sense.
Taking Kevin Parker's attention to detail to its logical extreme, Tame Impala's sophomore album was nearly dismissed as Same Impala, a near - identical composite of what made 2010's Innerspeaker such a delight: fuzzy guitar tones, analog synths and the classic dry drum sound.
Such is the concept embraced with both verve and style by William Friedkin in KILLER JOE, a tale of moral compasses gone askew, dysfunctional family dynamics taken to their logical extreme, and human life reduced to a commodity on a par with pork belly futures.
Radically revising the meaning of art, and our sense of what painting could be, he took the idea of art in the age of mechanical reproduction to its logical extreme — permanently breaching the wall dividing art and commerce.
Such is the concept embraced with both verve and style by William Friedkin in KILLER JOE, a tale of moral compasses gone askew, dysfunctional family dynamics taken to their logical extreme, and human life reduced to a commodity on a... Read More»
Thankfully, the rest of the cast more than makes up for it, and Hearts R actually offers some of my favorite characters over the past few Tales entries, including an aspiring artist with a penchant for malapropisms and an overly literal party member who interprets every interaction to its logical extreme — a common occurrence on Star Trek, perhaps, but a change of pace in Tales.
«Cameraperson «The recently deceased Jacques Rivette famously said that all films are documentaries of their own making, but Kirsten Johnson, a long standing filmmaker and non-fiction cinematographer, has taken that concept to its logical extreme and has made a documentary that is both about her own life and about the very nature of documentary filmmaking.
Pynchon marks 1970 LA as the moment America let capitalism fly off the leash toward its logical extreme: exploitation and entrapment.
Far from being a simulation Climax takes the idea of dog fighting and pushes it far beyond the logical extreme.
The uneasiness of the movie is taken to its logical extreme and it's a brilliant sequence to watch unfold, even if you're doing from behind a gate made up of your own fingers.
This talk of schools as moral communities exercising «normative authority,» taken to its logical extreme, can sound scary, conjuring images of publicly supported KKK schools, madrasas, and militant ethnonationalist or fundamentalist schools.
If taken to its logical extreme, localities might not just assemble K - 12 funding, but also those for all sorts of other services, such as juvenile justice, mental health, out - of - school programs, etc., enabling an approach that just might resemble a digital - era Harlem Children's Zone.

Phrases with «logical extreme»

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