Sentences with phrase «logical flaw»

This is one of the most common logical flaws I see used day - to - day.
The criticisms of the paper have all exhibited the same few logical flaws, some more extreme than others, but all erroneous.
Let's tackle the biggest logical flaw with Stoops» argument: voters did not see Oklahoma go 10 - 2 and Northern Illinois go 11 - 1 with a win in the MAC Championship game and rank Northern Illinois higher.
Enormous logical flaws are sprayed across every facet of the plot — for instance, why does Jodie, a CIA operative, not know that the guy she's sent to kill is the Somalian president?
Rankings of research methods for validity of medical evidence suffer from logical flaws, an in - depth philosophical critique concludes.
The Court A Logical Flaw in the Supreme Court of Canada's Analysis of Positive Entitlements to Expressive Freedom
The answers usually proffered for what we see as basic logical flaws in Christianity — «you have been blinded by your lack of faith» «God moves in mysterious ways» «God is outside the Universe» or «our minds are too small to understand the greatness of God» are never satisfying to us.
Einstein arrived at special relativity almost purely from an examination of logical flaws in the then current theories of physics, flaws that were evident for all to see.
Yet here is an example of a very influential piece of work with an enormous logical flaw that apparently sailed through the process.
When a logical flaw is pointed out in my belief, I simply interpret the Bible to fit the new facts.
I have a tough time accepting this view on its face, regardless of the logical flaws.
Spurred by these discussions, Bell wrote a review article on the topic of hidden variables, in which he isolated a logical flaw in von Neumann's famous proof.
The young Einstein was obsessed with logical flaws that were glaringly obvious, but only to him.
Hugh McLachlan rightly points out some logical flaws in philosopher David Hume's arguments regarding miracles, but introduces some others in...
In concept, The Lazarus Effect is nothing new (See: Re-Animator, Pet Sematary); in setup it's interesting enough and offers a lot of good, creepy potential; but in execution (especially the film's odd final act) it's cumbersome and clumsy - mostly tripped up by the logical flaws inherent in its single - setting location.
Fortunately, he possesses unique editorial gifts: the vision to detect angels hidden within the marble of even the most disjointed manuscripts, and the discernment to see when more polished submissions conceal evidentiary or logical flaws.
You, on the other hand, committ the logical flaw the Romans called «post hoc ergo propter hoc», meaning after that therefore because of that.
I see no logical flaw in that argument.
As far as the scientists» arguments, I trust their expertise but there is a logical flaw in Dr. Morison's position.
Any scientific professorial fellow ought to warn about the dangers of ignoring the empirical evidence, or the perils of missing the whistleblowers who point out logical flaws.
The logical flaw in this argument is equally clear.
There is another logical flaw also, but I'm not giving it away.
The logical flaws in that argument, like those in any hot - button debate, tend to slip through the cracks.
The logical flaws in this argument should be obvious, and thus should not have passed through the peer - review process.
If your opponent's conduct is ethical, an important response is to point out the logical flaws likely to arise.
He also highlighted some logical flaws in the defendant's position over copyright of Litigator documents,
The logical flaw in harsh punishment for violence is that it teaches violence.
Such males might try to squash the discrepancy in viewpoints by means of a series of questions intended to establish once and for all that the other person is irrational, has a logical flaw in their argument, or is «the crazy one».
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