Sentences with phrase «logical justification»

You have to have at least a façade of logical justification, don't you?
Today, however, a serious question has arisen as to whether there is any logical justification for this division.
If you decided previously that the car payment was your most important bill, for instance, there is no logical justification for not using «birthday money» to pay it.
Smith LJ concluded: «I can see no logical justification for suggesting that the claimant who lies about another person's claim should be treated more severely than the claimant who lies about his own claim.
Price is an important consideration, because in any decision we make to buy a product that's not legally mandated we have to find some logical justification for the expenditure in order to feel god about ourselves.
Similar to how ardent followers feel after taking Myers Briggs, I felt a great sense of relief and a logical justification for why the test turned me off after all these years.
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