Sentences with phrase «logical limit»

They understand logical limits as arising out of the limitations of human understanding rather than being based upon the nature of existence (Griffin, «Response» 257).
But there's a logical limit to how long that can go on.
Shiller's view draws deeply from economists John Hicks and Vilfredo Pareto, who famously developed a theory of optimal resource distribution according to what he perceived to be the logical limits of exchange.
This would be to say that whatever powers other beings might have, if a being had the logical limit of power, it would be capable of completely determining each of the activities of all of the others.
Power at the logical limit seems clearly to be the message contained in these various remarks.
But, of course, given this way of understanding the logical limit of power, in a world containing an omnipotent being, if there were any other beings (as Griffin says there would have to be since all worlds contain a multiplicity of actual beings), they would possess no power at all.
As regards the meaning of «X is omnipotent» (i.e., «X has perfect power»), the most general formula is «X possesses the logical limit of power.»
«In recent years, we worked to push these molecules to their logical limits
If you're gonna go Tinseltown, you might as well make it count; push the logical limits of action scenes until they are no more, make explosions laughably big, treat a «true story» like another freaking superhero movie, cast Sean Penn, and toss Gosling and Stone back together for their automatic chemistry.
Although, taking this notion to its logical limit, one must ask: is there any value to his film?
Criticism must always involve more than description, more than merely deferring all authority to the work itself — a position that if taken to its logical limit cancels out the need for criticism in the first place.
An economist might say that the supply of charter schools is simply meeting the logical limit of the current funding and political environment.
If so keep an eye on your logical limits to scaling these rebates / coupons.
Like the philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, Quaytman appeared to grasp the logical limits of his craft and, in doing so, move his painting toward the point of intuition.
The challenge was always to know when to relinquish the logical limits and release the luminosity hidden within the air of the surface.
comment 13: Comment 18: «This is a beautiful example of the silly precautionary principle taken to its logical limit
This is a beautiful example of the silly precautionary principle taken to its logical limit.
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