Sentences with phrase «logical pattern»

These myths have an internal logical pattern in which the initial opposition is overcome, often by the introduction of a third term.
This is especially true for price action trading setups which have a natural and logical pattern stop point.
Color indexes and logical patterns pervade her abstract paintings, including her rule - based plate pieces, shaped canvases from the early 2000s, and the «blob paintings» from 2012 — 13.
America About Blog Philosophy of Metrics is the methodology of understanding the world through logical patterns and esoteric processes.
In Small Business, BIG Vision, the Toren brothers outline exactly what needs to be done in a logical pattern to reach success, while peppering their wisdom with lots of real - life case studies.
Each story must follow a logical pattern and address the questions who, what, where, when, and why.
The chart offers a series of steps that cover the marking criteria by breaking it down into manageable chunks and strings them together in a logical pattern.
The pupil has organised the material in more of a logical pattern.
Create sequences that have a logical pattern that is not immediately obvious, and have students explain the sequence or predict the next item in the sequence.
In a random schedule of reinforcement, the rewards are «intermittent» and there is no logical pattern to the way in which «rewarded» behaviors are arranged.
Planting crops and then cultivating and harvesting them takes some time and follows a logical pattern, but is a largely joyless affair.
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