Sentences with phrase «logical positivists»

The phrase "logical positivists" refers to a group of philosophers who believed that the only meaningful knowledge is based on observable facts and logic. They emphasized the importance of scientific methods and rejected ideas that couldn't be tested or proven. Full definition
He was also aware that efforts by logical positivists like his own student, Bertrand Russell, and members of the Vienna Circle such as Rudolph Carnap, were doomed to failure.
Instead, he did his metaphysical thinking in the midst of the most modern of the philosophers, in dialogue with logical positivists and modal logicians as well as pragmatists and phenomenologists.
Unfortunately, they are all educated as logical positivists for whom there is only absolute truths.
And saying that there is no scientific evidence for such - and - such is meaningless except in the minds of logical positivist skeptopathic bores who really secretly only want to maintain the status quo and aren't really interested in health, theirs or anyone else's.
logical positivists basically proved it (a lot of them are atheists — brave atheists who admit the truth.
In the «70s and «80s, as logical positivists found their central doctrines under severe attack by fellow analytic philosophers, epistemological issues emerged as the dominant concern.
It turns out, however, that these presumptions fit nicely with a wide array of different and perhaps even contradictory metaphysical schemes, and I doubt the arguments in the area of Hebrew philology change much if one is an ancient Platonist, a medieval Aristotelian, or a modern - day logical positivist.
Craig Blomberg, professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary, has devoted much of his scholarly life to assuring evangelical students raised in fundamentalist homes that the authority — and inerrancy — of the Bible does not depend on its living up to logical positivist standards that would have meant nothing to Moses, David, Luke, or Paul.
In a number of ways Popper, in a group of logical positivists, was indeed a «positivist» in a more literal and good sense.
On the one hand, their field is flourishing: No longer intimidated by the logical positivists (who denied truth to moral assertions except as expressions of likes and dislikes), thinkers as diverse as Iris Murdoch, Martha Nussbaum, and Bernard Williams are leading the attack against such debilitating philosophical notions as Hume's notorious «Is / Ought» distinction and Kant's simplistic fusion of morality with mere duty.
Hitch was wonderfully rational, a logical positivist and warrior against all forms of irrationality and illogic.
Nor do we perceive our life in discrete impressions (as Hume claimed) or in individually verifiable facts (as the logical positivists insist).
This suggestion «that functions of propositions are always truth - functions» (PM xiv) was made in his Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (TLP), a non-Platonic, tight - knit, precise logical system that had a tangential but critical influence on the logical positivist movement.
It is a commonplace of modern science that facts are one thing and values quite another, that we can rely on objective scientific knowledge, while subjective metaphysical thinking (the logical positivists would say) is dubious and to be avoided whenever possible.
While one might assert that both Whitehead and the logical positivists mandate that we always begin at the edge, Kuhn (SSR), Quine, and Rorty have shown that one can not remain there for long and still make sense of the world.
In the department of philosophy a logical positivist might be busy demonstrating the folly of all previous philosophies prior to the moment he himself began his doctoral studies.
On the one hand, their field is flourishing: No longer intimidated by the logical positivists (who denied truth to moral assertions except as expressions of likes and dislikes), thinkers as diverse as Iris Murdoch, Martha Nussbaum, and....
Thomas McPherson, in a cryptic statement, summarizes this point of view: «What to the Jews was a stumbling - block and to the Greeks foolishness is to the logical positivists nonsense.»
The logical positivists with their demand for verification addressed themselves mostly to traditional supernaturalism.
(I'm not claiming Matt IS a logical positivist, I don't know him).
Matt should read Whitehead, Hillman, Jung, etc. if he hasn't, and try to avoid thinking «like» a logical positivist while reading them.
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