Sentences with phrase «logical presentation»

Without critical thinking, it is impossible to compare anything, and of course, it is impossible to draw a line of logical presentation of the existing similarities and differences.
Proper and logical presentation of ideas, facts and findings is crucial and students should ensure this at all times.
Acts 17:22 - 31 is not formal teaching, but is logical presentation at a gathering of philosophers for the existence of the one, true God, and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
New science is reinforcing the veracity of old truths, such as the idea that organized, logical presentations of material stick better than more haphazard or spontaneous ones.
The links should be presented in a logical presentation, in such a way that all the information is presented at a glance.
Frank Morgan, Associate, White & Case: «The seminar provided a logical presentation of materials that flowed efficiently.»
Your resume should have an orderly and logical presentation.
«I think a resume, done right, is a logical presentation of stories, not just a chronological listing of titles, dates, and companies,» Weir says.
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