Sentences with phrase «logical problem»

There are some obvious logical problems with this chain of «logic».
Solving mysteries can equate to guessing which path to follow versus logical problem solving.
Facebook researchers are hard at work building new AI systems that can really learn and be trained and solve basic logical problems, all with the end of helping keep track of this deluge of videos and content.
«Finally, there is an obvious logical problem posed by steadily increasing US health and welfare measures and the alleged endangerment of health and welfare discussed in this draft TSD during a period of rapid rise in at least CO2 ambient levels.
If you resist the urge to look up walkthroughs of the game, you'll likely uncover the solution to each environmental puzzle accidentally, rather than through logical problem solving.
Genre-wise, it lies more in the adventure game category, as most of it involves logical problem solving.
[36] Some have suggested that «but for» proof must be logically or conceptually impossible before material contribution to risk is available... Clearly the impossibility in those examples was related to difficulties with factual proof, not to logical problems inherent in the peculiarities of the case.
The test is designed to test your intuitive logical problem solving ability, so, unfortunately, even if you spend hours and hours practising, you probably won't improve your score hugely.
There is one logical problem with Mueller's claim which may be why Idso does not pursue a similar argument.
* Excellent troubleshooting and logical problem solving skills.
In the context of talking about the exact nature of the logical problem of evil, Griffin states the following:
because, in my experience with the blog, phrases like those are used when showing an example of what not to do, or as blunt truth meant to snap you to attention the same way a slap in the face would every post I have read from matt's blog, I have read with a critical eye, so I can try to understand the exact meaning, and I have only once found a logical problem with anything that was said, and that was when a small fact was omitted that wouldn't have actually changed the point of the post
However, I do have a logical problem with people who want to put the Christian Church's «Stamp of Approval» on the sexual act of sodomy.
The logical problem still exists, why didn't God send a rep / son / daughter to all regions and cultures on earth?
Instead of regurgitating the classic evangelical lines, when confronted with these logical problems / questions, are you actually able to explain it in your own words, as if you've thought about it yourself, and not just attended bible study?
You are presenting me a with a logical problem: You believe that God would have made the path of salvation equally known to all people.
You imply that the case I am making for my belief in Christ doesn't have «reason» to it -------- Lynn, I'm hearing a blanket disregard for reasonableness of some of the logical problems I'm addressing.
The combination of these two elements in Aristotle's theory generate the logical problem of «negative facts,» i.e., affirming actuality of negations, e.g., affirming the fact denoted by the proposition, «The round square does not exist.»
He seems to have seen only the logical problem of accounting for the completion in a finite time of a process for which it is impossible to specify an absolutely first beginning.
Why didn't she address the logical problems of theism in her conversion?
«Physics gives you logical problem - solving skills that you might not get from other subjects,» he says.
Although such a statement may seem to have little to do with real physical processes, Hawking notes that the idea of a theory that governs the creators, and hence the creation, of the theory itself leads to logical problems.
They then prove that any particular 2D Ising model — i.e., with a particular set of coupling and external fields — is equivalent to an instance of a logical problem called the satisfiability, or SAT, problem, in which the goal is to come up with a set of logical statements, A, B, C,... that satisfy a long logical formula such as «A and not (B or C)...» The theorists present a way to map the SAT problem onto the 2D Ising model.
But there's still a logical problem.
This programme is focused specifically on the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills in ophthalmology, including the development of a logical problem - solving approach to each case.
While I don't at all doubt that GT5 will be a masterpiece, and probably worthy of a perfect score... there's a logical problem with Prologue getting a 39/40.
Rather than calmly solving a logical problem, you battled through a calamity of distraction.
Do we really need 70 pages of text and two dozen R routines to recognize the logical problem here?
The logical problem is this.
I think you have a logical problem there in that you are saying that the possible «stupid» outcomes grows with the strength of intervention, but dismiss the possible growth (perhaps unintended) in «smart» outcomes that might be a function of strength of intervention.
There is a logical problem here with using a model to attribute deaths from cause A to ultimate cause B. By virtue of being directly caused by A, we can not say empirically, that B was responsible for any particular death.
I do not see any logical problem with Spencer's postulation or with the Spencer + Braswell or Palle et al. observations.
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