Sentences with phrase «logical proof»

You can do alot of detective work to find that the boyfriend pretty much couldn't exist but if the person deeply believes then logical proof most likely won't work.
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
Aquinas and others tried logical proofs for the existence of god and failed.
faith: belief or trust: belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody (God) or something, especially without logical proof full: anything unexpected and fascinating that is brimming with Glory FAITHFUL: consistently loyal: consistently trustworthy and loyal, especially to a person, a promise, or duty The word I look for over the last few years of unemployment, new jobs, moving our family of 8
They like to ask questions like, «How do you know God exists» yet, logical proofs make no sense in their atheistic worldview.
This is a rational and logical proof based on the axiom that all causal chains have a beginning, and no causal chain can be of infinite length.
At the same time they mix moral proofs with logical proofs.
The so - called «proofs» of St. Anselm and of St. Thomas are not logical proofs attained by unaided reason.
I also believe that my faith is a choice, and am not so deluded as to think that there is either a valid, logical proof for the existence of God, or some kind of irrefutable physical evidence for God's existence.
Expressing this can be problematic — there is an awe - inspiring asymmetry between people's pleasure and displeasure when you venture that «their» stock is undervalued or overvalued... I guess I just don't have enough faith (let's look it up: «Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
You have no concrete, logical proof your God exists.
Kierkegaard followed that up with THE greatest book ever on faith — you NEED faith to believe in god because there is no logical proof and no evidence.
Incidentally, the logical proof that we just presented is of a type known as reductio ad absurdum, that is, reduction to the absurd.
The abstract aspect of God is his absolute, eternal, and necessary existence; and, as such, this aspect can be known by abstract metaphysical argument and logical proof.
Basing your argument on a logical proof alone dispels your point.
Logical proofs are closed, self - contained systems of propositions, whereas science is empirical and deals with nature as it exists.
(4) The impossibility of giving a logical proof of the Christian faith (no minimization of the scandalon).
This word is not susceptible to logical proof, but when proclaimed it becomes an event.
Generally, the term «evidence» implies empirical evidence, however a logical proof would also work, I think.
And, 3) I don't think anyone is asking for a logical proof of the existence of God, just some empirical evidence would be a start.
So, in effect, a tiling pattern corresponded to a logical proof.
The Logical Proof of The Existence of God: by God's Advocate: God defended the victims from THE BEGINNING
«How could you,» began Mackey, «how could you, a mathematician, a man devoted to reason and logical proof... how could you believe that extraterrestrials are sending you messages?
As any mathematician can tell you, any claims you make without a logical proof to back them up are often not worth the paper they're printed on.
It is obviously true that the existence of an expert consensus on any scientific theory does not constitute any kind of logical proof that that particular opinion is correct.
The roof is the logical proof that you should be considered for the job.
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