Sentences with phrase «logical side»

My logical side is screaming at me to be careful here.
somethings may seem in - logical at first, but once one put's their faith in something, their eyes are opened and they can then see the logical side of these «in - logical» principles.
In this rapid exchange, packaging has to master the art of efficient communication and appeal to the logical side of the buying process.
But I do feel that blogging has allowed me to intersect my creative and logical sides, finding a balance between my strengths.
The logical side of me says we are better off shipping out underperforming players, but there's a part of me that screams «We look small time!»
The logical side of me knows that sleep training is only painful in the short term, or so the books and websites say, and that it totally gets easier after a few nights, In the moment, though, it just seems so much easier to give in.
Many years ago I worked as a programmer, it was quite dull and while the logical side appealed to my scientific nature it just didn't stimulate me creatively at all.
The logical side of my brain was telling me that I was in transition, the low sounds meant she was descending, and that there was an end in sight, but my emotional side was reaching the «I can't do this» point.
Most of the time, the logical side of me controls my emotions.
If you tend to gravitate to the logical side of the spectrum you are going to be pleasantly surprised with what you find here.
My father says my logical side is most like him, and the dreamy side most like my mother, which isn't entirely fair, I don't think.
Using a percentage of your account to determine position size, such as two percent, only satisfies the logical side of your brain.
Thinking this way is much more realistic and will satisfy both the emotional side of your brain as well as the logical side.
The basic idea behind this is that if you only think in terms of percentage risked, you're only satisfying one side of your brain - the logical side.
While my sentimental side shouts that every life is precious, the logical side of me knows that allowing a pregnant cat to deliver only causes more problems.
They view the world through their right, emotional side of the brain, rather than the left, logical side.
Therefore, high conflict parents don't really «hear» the information presented in parenting classes because they don't automatically engage the logical side of their brain.
Therefore, difficult parents don't really «hear» the information presented in parenting classes because they don't know how to automatically engage the logical side of their brain.
, using your logical side of your brain will help balance the mind that is flooded with the emotional side.
The logical side of my brain tells me he'd probably been emancipated from the fish tank of a nearby Chinese restaurant by a helpful toddler.
Yes, some people are more creative than others, so they find it harder to see the logical side of organization.
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