Sentences with phrase «logical statement»

I say unless you can back up a law with facts and logical statements then it shouldn't be considered in a democracy.
The correct spelling, the proper punctuation and clear logical statements are an obvious part of any effective informal essay.
This is not the same logical statement as saying that God does not, in effect, exist.
«If we can't collect any dis - confirming evidence, than the formal logical statement is that we have «failed to prove the hypothesis».»
It is a more pointed and even more logical statement of the Pauline doctrine that in the death of Jesus God condemned sin in the flesh and triumphed over principalities and powers.
As an undergraduate math (and electrical engineering) major at the University of Michigan, Shannon had learned of 19th century mathematician George Boole's work on representing logical statements by algebraic symbols.
Wang discovered that he could design prototiles that corresponded to various logical statements, in such a way that the rules for fitting prototiles together corresponded exactly to the rules of logical deduction.
They then prove that any particular 2D Ising model — i.e., with a particular set of coupling and external fields — is equivalent to an instance of a logical problem called the satisfiability, or SAT, problem, in which the goal is to come up with a set of logical statements, A, B, C,... that satisfy a long logical formula such as «A and not (B or C)...» The theorists present a way to map the SAT problem onto the 2D Ising model.
If we can't collect any dis - confirming evidence, than the formal logical statement is that we have «failed to disprove the hypothesis».
If you're going to make an argument, at least try to make a logical statement.
That is a logical statement to make that even Darwin didn't know the significance of his own theory.
Not really a logical statement.
It comes down to the logical statement «For all beings on Earth there exists a unicorn.»
If theology is to be more than dry bones for faith, if it is to address human beings of flesh and blood, if it is to deal with the ultimate issues of life and death, it must be more than a logical statement of doctrine — though it should be that.
He makes no logical statement as to why we call it God.
You can believe it, but no amount of verbal twister changes the claim into a logical statement.
@Gruggy / Antek, you have analysed the ammers situation based on their performances and come up with a logical statement which, to be honnest i agree with because it is what has been happening, fact, truth, reality, a given etc.....
The equations that work for mysteries reasons, the primes with hidden patterns, and the logical statements that can not be true or false
His argument revolves around a particular task, the Boolean satisfiability problem, which asks whether a collection of logical statements can all be simultaneously true or whether they contradict each other.
First, the two scientists note that the up - or - down Ising spin resembles the true - or - false character of a logical statement such as «the car is white.»
Landweber then mixed the jugs together, converted the RNA back to DNA, amplified the DNA, and started all over again with another logical statement.
After repeating the process for each logical statement necessary, she had a flask full of strands corresponding to every valid solution to the knights problem.
The enzymatic algorithm was possible because the knights problem can be reduced to a set of logical statements.
She speaks in non sequiturs most of the time, so whenever a logical statement comes out of her mouth, the family fears she's being clairvoyant.
In what I'm sure seemed a logical statement, we were told that «all students had to show growth.»
Don't respond to him with a logical statement, you're wasting your time, I find on this particular website negativity works best.
The campaign aims to reverse the decision with a logical statement referring to the fact that so much effort was invested in creating interesting online features; only to see that creativity and talent disappear after only one year.
Is this a logical statement, or purely opinion?
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z