Sentences with phrase «logical terms»

When you become a certified IT employee, you will often explain technical processes in clear, logical terms for employers and clients.
I know the implication of this cartoon is that the church is engaging in bad logic, but I'm struggling to see precisely how in formal logical terms.
Also what would be the most logical term period for you to consider.
If you think about something, you might think about it in terms of language, or in logical terms, or in terms of diagrams, pictures, or structures.
It is entirely possible (in general logical terms) for object X to exist in state B by default (genetics, programming, design, etc) and to only shift to state A provided certain environmental factors.
It was, however, by his logical works that Aristotle first became widely known to the Western world, so that the Boethian logical term, «substantia», stuck (DBAM 68).
To program in Prolog one must be able to describe a situation in logical terms subject only to minimal constraints of grammar.
Whitehead's modification in the memoir is to redefine number solely in terms of extension by purely logical terms.
Research has demonstrated that even when we can describe something in very logical terms, it is our emotions that play the crucial role in decision - making.
In formal logical terms, the prosecutor's fallacy is known as «the error of the transposed conditional,» as British pharmacologist David Colquhoun explains in a recent blog post.
Stephen Hawking for instance, actually tried honestly to put that in logical terms and failed, but he's sincere in it and know what he's talking about.
I carried this emotional burden around with me, and wanted to understand it in logical terms.
The logical term for a firm to target in this category is «personal injury lawyer,» right?
He always made us laugh and he thoroughly explained things in simple, logical terms that helped us better understand what was going on.
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