Sentences with phrase «logical thoughts»

And those are logical thoughts for people who think for themselves and don't care about the word they gave or the assignment they are working on.
Bigelow seemingly understood that a dumb action movie is inherently farcical, so she filled up her movie with enough action to push out those nagging logical thoughts, but this new reboot does the opposite.
Then there are the less logical thoughts people like me — who value predictability, organization, and high levels of competence — entertain while we're sitting there, every two or three hours, breastfeeding our bottomless pit of a baby.
which makes sense because it's logical thoughts that tend to result in us rejecting religious constructs as preposterous.
«Time and time again, people of faith routinely supress (sic) their logical thoughts and merely «accept» the religion that they are exposed to.»
Known as the amygdala, this system sends alerts to neural pathways that comprise the fear circuit, bypassing the prefrontal cortex where logical thinking occurs.
With a background in engineering, I once assumed that most business problems could be solved with enough available data and some logical thinking.
Here's the flaw in that seemingly logical thought train.
In other words, a trading strategy ensures your trades are based on clear and logical thinking while also ensuring there is a pattern that can be repeated, analyzed, tweaked, and adjusted.
They may identify themselves as a certain faith, but a reasonable amount of logical thought will lead to the same conclusion: no religion is correct and there is no way to prove anything.
Science is all about supporting rational, logical thinking.
Any logical thinking person understands this, but I do not believe logic and intelligence always co-exist anymore.
It makes perfect sense that emotions can get in the way of logical thinking.
The Enlightenment belief that logical thinking and education alone, without any consideration of other factors apart from ignorance such as the survival instinct and clinical cognitive dysfunction in the formation of behavior patterns, can solve all of our individual and social ills is the fundamental heresy of the Enlightenment philosophy.
Given their Fantastic «claims» of «Logical Thinking» and of being «Evidencial Proof Seekers».
Allah rejects the disbelievers, those who are polytheists, who do not believe in Angels, or in the apostles, or in the scriptures, or in the Last Day — and He invites them all to believe in Islam through logical thought and acceptance of the evidence revealed to men.
I do think anybody who believes in the hypothesis that there are heaven and hell after life is not capable of logical thinking.
This is a compelling read, immersing us in thorough, consistently logical thought and inspiring us with profoundly perceptive insights.
it amazes me that religious folk see this word as a badge of honor while any logical thinking person sees it as a mark of foolishness or insanity.
Maybe I need to go back to college and take an «Advanced Religious Metaphor» class, because to a rational person that sounded like random words strung together without any form of logical thought.
Man returning from the dead in accordance with a two - thousand year old tome that not only begs us to refrain from logical thinking about the natural world but also contradicts itself incessantly?
I see this argument all the time in regards to evolution and it's a breakdown in logical thinking.
There is no way in Hell (which there is one) you can convince any logical thinking person (myself included) that my ancestors crawled out of the ocean and somehow magically grew arms and legs from nothing and decided to live on land just «because».
The work of the left hemisphere is primarily logical thinking, language ability and mathematical functioning.
Nice to see some logical thinking in here for a change.
If you teach logical thinking to Kid, how do you expect them to learn religions at later age?
† Blind Christians are mentally ill, that's why they have no ability to use logical thinking, understand compassion, or actually read and understand the bible fully.
The developments of computer design and programming have exposed the anatomy of logical thinking with a clarity and precision never before achieved.
Hartshorne's criticism of paradox, and Whitehead's insistence that God is not an exception to all metaphysical principles but their «chief exemplification,» are products of logical thought that in no way depend upon process philosophy: indeed the converse is the case, for this philosophy is largely built upon such principles of logic.
Nothing we teach discourages scientific or logical thinking.
It is difficult to keep these sorts of conversations on a logical thought - flow.
You are starting at the point of assuming a god is a logical thought.
People who say that observable complexity is proof of design and therefore a designer are only guilty of wishful thinking and do not have a true graps on logical thought.
Clearly his definition of logical thinking is not the same as ours.
How are you able to suspend logical thinking and conclude that makes sense?
On this question the speculative theologian agrees with the rationalist theologian (within, say, process theology), for one of the deepest commitments of the rationalist theologian is to generality as it is revealed in logical thought.
In his Principles of Philosophy (1644) Descartes claimed that logical thinking led to the notion that the universe was a vast machine, wound up by God to tick for ever, and that it consisted of two basic entities: matter and motion.
You use your interpretations of the Bible as weapons to harm others, with no rational or logical thought to the damage you do.
How wonderful it would be for even a tiny fraction of the populace to embrace logical thinking.
I enjoy logical thought, rationalizing and debate.
So, whatever those fancy scientists with their fancy experiments, evidence and logical thinking might say, don't believe it!»
Logical thought right?
Nice logical thinking there buddy...
Applied to the task of defining «mission» this can be translated: «To be meaningful a definition of «mission» must be grounded in rationality and logical thinking
How's that for simple, logical thought.
To believe in the bible or the koran one has to suspend logical thought and reason.
Keep in mind that what's in your heart is most important - even if your brain and body get in the way of expressing it - and - having an extremely logical thought process does NOT make you less of a Christian.
It's a serious problem and all reasoning and logical thinking goes out the window!
@ezat Obviously, logical thinking, accepting reality and reading comprehension are not your strong points.
Cus I don't see how any logical think person can put arsenal and tittle in the same sentence.
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