Sentences with phrase «logical tool»

Parody is an important logical tool meant to allow us to question even the most firmly held beliefs.
Parody is an important logical tool meant to allow people to reconsider even their firmest of beliefs and examine the logic within them.
And if that is the case, then what logical tools does it have available to create and test the guesses?
Whitehead has provided us with the logical tools to make the distinction between pure and real possibility precise.
To the Stagerite, we owe: the idea that the natural world is a coherent object of philosophical study, the structure of that philosophy, and the rational and logical tools with which to study it.
Now, in the closing decades of the twentieth century, logical tools are being forged which have the necessary refinement to handle these delicate theological matters adequately for perhaps the first time, as already remarked above.
Given the unreliable nature of self - reported symptoms in athletes 2 a group typically motivated to return to play and minimize symptoms, the sensitivity of computerized neurocognitive testing to incomplete recovery and the importance of identifying any indicators that an athlete may not remain stable in his / her baseline functioning prior to return to contact sports action, post-exertion neurocognitive testing appears to be a logical tool to consider.»
Rather, Sagan is sharpening the logical tools he wields to address the matter of God's existence.
The impressive weight loss proved to be not only for show, but indeed a logical tool indispensable to fully get into the part's mindset.
The Romans understood that phrase, that logical tool.
Knowledge management is a logical tool for lawyers to take advantage of to better practice and serve our clients — but its hard to get lawyers to buy in to it.
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