Sentences with phrase «long as our philosophy»

For as long as our philosophy remains the same against teams like this and referees don't do their jobs, we will always come up short against them.

Not exact matches

«Because of our emphasis on the long - term, we may make decisions and weigh tradeoffs differently than some companies... We will continue to make investment decisions in light of long - term market leadership considerations rather than short - term profitability considerations or short - term Wall Street reactions... We aren't so bold as to claim that the above is the «right» investment philosophy, but it's ours, and we would be remiss if we weren't clear in the approach we have taken and will continue to take.»
«Crafting a philosophy statement, or identity, becomes helpful when the «bumper cars» no longer bump into each other» as may happen in larger firms.
For a long time now, advertisers have shared the same philosophy as television programs like The Biggest Loser and Celebrity Fit Club, which capitalize on the notion that you can love yourself if you're fat, but you'll love yourself more if you're thin.
As an active owner of both public and private companies, CPPIB already lives its long - term investment philosophy, notes Winslow.
For example, an advisor could describe a philosophy such as a focus on long - term investing in a globally diversified portfolio and encourage choosing only low - cost exchange - traded funds, he said.
There is a long tradition in political philosophy that understands injustice as unequal treatment without justification.
Though Warren Buffett has long championed dividend stocks as part of his investment philosophy, when it comes to his own company, Berkshire Hathaway (brk - a), the investor has been loath to pay dividends.
As long as he continues to produce contradictory statements, it will be difficult to evaluate his governing philosophy or directioAs long as he continues to produce contradictory statements, it will be difficult to evaluate his governing philosophy or directioas he continues to produce contradictory statements, it will be difficult to evaluate his governing philosophy or direction.
Then Minister of Culture Jek Yeun Thong defended the measures, saying in Parliament that the local press would remain free as long as «no attempt is made by them, or through their proxies, to glorify undesirable viewpoints and philosophies
Under ROWE, as the program has come to be known, a corporate philosophy that equated success at work with long hours at the office would be scrapped in favour of a more flexible workplace.
In his speech, Yifei emphasized the importance of 2018 for China's long - term economic strategy, and discussed how the central bank's gold and silver department used problem - oriented, market - oriented, and livelihood - oriented «philosophy, style and methods» to promote reform and innovation in «key areas» of «currency bullion» as well as «currency gold and silver business.»
In keeping with our pay - for - performance philosophy, and as discussed in more detail in the CD&A included in this proxy statement, our approach is designed to focus our leadership and balance short - term performance and long - term strategic priorities.
Taking a longer - term approach to talent resource development is just as important to the investor as it is to the client: It is hard to conceive of people making sound investment judgments over longer time - frames if investors themselves are not being evaluated and mentored with the same long term philosophy.
I'm not espousing Buddhism, but his philosophy long predates the ideas which Jesus is credited as saying.
As long as we find ourselves unable to wrap our brains around the idea that a person can be a fine individual while simultaneously holding a different political philosophy than our own, we will never move forward agaiAs long as we find ourselves unable to wrap our brains around the idea that a person can be a fine individual while simultaneously holding a different political philosophy than our own, we will never move forward agaias we find ourselves unable to wrap our brains around the idea that a person can be a fine individual while simultaneously holding a different political philosophy than our own, we will never move forward again.
Philosophy as taught, he thought, had long ago been «forced out of the context of teaching and living»» which is to say, teaching for living, philosophy understood as «a life that poses the questions of the true and the goPhilosophy as taught, he thought, had long ago been «forced out of the context of teaching and living»» which is to say, teaching for living, philosophy understood as «a life that poses the questions of the true and the gophilosophy understood as «a life that poses the questions of the true and the good.»
I say this as a life long student of many religions and philosophies (Spelling not being one of them) and as a Mormon convert.
On one level, it's wildly out - of - sync with the times, defending such ideas as moral knowledge and design, which contemporary philosophy has long believed to be dead and buried.
The age - long and still influential Christian doctrine of bodily resurrection thus goes back to primitive Hebrew behaviorism, which always conceived soul as a function of the material organism and never, like Greek philosophy, conceived immortality as escape from the imprisoning flesh.
The fallacy is bound to occur so long as Two is neglected, for the reason that men do not adopt a philosophy because its proofs are beyond question and its conclusions completely satisfactory — this being never the case — but because its proofs seem to them stronger and its conclusions more satisfactory than would be true of what they regard as the alternative.
It is because no philosophy can be regarded as philosophically absolute that the Christian can and should choose among philosophies [so long as they are philosophically of equal merit) the one that shares his own vision of the fundamental nature of things.
With the philosophy of Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), the nature of reality was no longer seen as writ large over the universe only to be discovered by the exercise of reason but rather was what the human mind perceived, interpreted, made it to be («Cogito, ergo sum.
By the end of his long life in 1935, Holmes was virtually a national monument, and liberal intellectuals found it convenient to portray him positively as a forerunner of the new governing philosophy.
He would likely have welcomed the recent formation of an association for process philosophy of education, so long as its membership included teachers, scientists, artists, school administrators, as well as philosophy professors.
Instead, we have two competing research programs, each with its own fundamental intuitions and program of inquiry to pursue, as in Imre Lakatos's philosophy of science.15 Only «over the long haul» can we judge which will be more progressive more able to handle the classical challenges raised by the entire history of metaphysics, by dialogue with existing religions (Christian and otherwise), and by the experience of contemporary religious believers.
Whitehead, another mathematician - physicist - philosopher, had a similar view Thus our theological scheme is no longer as seriously at odds with science or the philosophy of science as it was in the days of classical or Newtonian physics.
Long before Bacon, Jaki has written, Christian philosophy had steadily inculcated «the conviction... that since the world was rational it could be comprehended by the human mind, but as the product of the Creator it could not be derived from the mind of man, a creature.»
Religion's road toward its self - fulfillment as philosophy is long and hard, but it makes sense.
«His work in philosophy forms part, and a very important part, of the movement of twentieth - century realism; but whereas the other leaders of that movement came to it after a training in late - nineteenth - century idealism, and are consequently realistic with the fanaticism of converts and morbidly terrified of relapsing into the sins of their youth, a fact which gives their work an air of strain, as if they cared less about advancing philosophical knowledge than about proving themselves good enemies of idealism, Whitehead's work is perfectly free from all this sort of thing, and he suffers from no obsessions; obviously he does not care what he says, so long as it is true.
I can argue from history and philosophy against religion and it is none of my business if others just simply believe as long as there are no victims.
I am claiming that the difficulty with most neo-Darwinian discussions of evolution is not merely that its mechanisms are inadequate to account for evolution's «qualitative side» but that these mechanisms will be inadequate so long as they are attached (ad hoc) to a materialistic philosophy.
Yet they would feel not justified in regarding their result as the last word of wisdom but would very definitely expect an appreciation and evaluation which puts these results in the proper perspective of a unified system of knowledge, philosophy, or theology; and it is irrelevant whether the latter task is performed in personal union with that of description so long as the integrity of the latter is guaranteed.
Indeed, such «osmosis,» as long as it is not made into a full - blown metaphysical being like an Hegelian Zeitgeist is a sounder metaphor with which to approach the idea of «influence» in process philosophy than the stricter causal account Lowe sought.
As long as materialism or mechanism seems to be the only plausible philosophy of nature, this existentialist maneuvering is an understandable and forgivable way of keeping us free from absorption into the world - machinAs long as materialism or mechanism seems to be the only plausible philosophy of nature, this existentialist maneuvering is an understandable and forgivable way of keeping us free from absorption into the world - machinas materialism or mechanism seems to be the only plausible philosophy of nature, this existentialist maneuvering is an understandable and forgivable way of keeping us free from absorption into the world - machine.
Reason, rather than acting as the vehicle for truth has now become the means to untruth, for the rational structures which philosophy has long hoped to discover are now reduced to nothing more than products of our natural history.
As long as the media and the courts are quiescent, they may retain the power to marginalize dissent and establish their philosophy as orthodoxAs long as the media and the courts are quiescent, they may retain the power to marginalize dissent and establish their philosophy as orthodoxas the media and the courts are quiescent, they may retain the power to marginalize dissent and establish their philosophy as orthodoxas orthodoxy.
If, as I suggested in the last section, the obvious and oft - noted differences between Russell and Whitehead symbolize the current analytic - speculative split, then the kinds of similarities and (perhaps even more importantly) the areas of mutual influence, indebtedness, and philosophic enrichment to which Professor Kuntz rightly points can suggest to contemporary philosophers a neutral «dialogical territory» beyond the present, hostile philosophic «demilitarized zone,» which is no longer itself viable, interesting, or worthy of the vocation of philosophy.
This book might have been, perhaps should have been, much longer and more detailed; and unquestionably it may be faulted as being altogether too much a reporting of what one theologian has found interesting and useful in his study of the process - philosophy.
(Although, as a life long student of history, social and political philosophy and jurisprudence, I must admit that I had long been enamored with the moral teachings of Jesus, and I suppose that I had always hoped that His Messianic claims were true.)
In philosophy as it has long been understood the two things have gone together hand in hand, the analysis of the formal structure of life in the abstract and the making of personal decision in respect of one's own personal existence.
As a biologist I have long been immensely impressed by and beholden to Whitehead's philosophy of organism (Process and Reality), in that it seems to me that he is the first great philosopher who really took trouble to comprehend the biological developments of his time.
In light of Lewis's long and distinguished career, encompassing so many contributions to process philosophy, many readers may have forgotten that Ford began his intellectual career as a Tillichian, writing his dissertation at Yale over thirty - five years ago on «The Ontological Foundation of Paul Tillich's Theory of Religious Symbol,» and publishing his first several scholarly articles in the early 1960s in distinguished journals like the Journal of the History of Philosophy and the Journal of Religion on aspects of Tillich'philosophy, many readers may have forgotten that Ford began his intellectual career as a Tillichian, writing his dissertation at Yale over thirty - five years ago on «The Ontological Foundation of Paul Tillich's Theory of Religious Symbol,» and publishing his first several scholarly articles in the early 1960s in distinguished journals like the Journal of the History of Philosophy and the Journal of Religion on aspects of Tillich'Philosophy and the Journal of Religion on aspects of Tillich's thought.
CH: It's not necessary to be a philosopher to be practical, in certain basic animal and human ways — and that is why the world got on for a long time without much of what we now think of as philosophy.
The Playboy Philosophy has always been forthe ladies, too — just as long as they remember what they're good for, don't get too sentimental and feel grateful when the playboy in their own life offers to pay for the abortion.
A great book which is both an introduction to philosophy, and an introduction to theology, showing how philosophy guided and informed our theology, and why this is not bad, as long as we maintain a balance between «the one and the many» or God and humanity.
This avowal of the absolute can no longer be Kantian (nor no doubt Plotinian), for Kantian philosophy would incline us to look only for examples or symbols, not for testimonies, understood as accounts of an experience of the absolute.
There was, of course, some internal debate as to what that philosophy should he or how it should be arrived at, but so long as proponents could claim something of the sanction of the scientific heritage, they could present their outlooks, not as one ideology among many, but as ones that were fair to everyone, since they were, if not wholly objective, at least more or less so.
While Chicago no longer exists as a center of process thought and is to a lesser extent than before identified with philosophy - theology dialogue and interaction, it leaves a legacy worthy of study by anyone interested in the history of these modes of inquiry in American religious thought.
The long and short of it is that process philosophy covers too vast a range to belong to one side or the other of this divide: it is too big to be owned as an exclusive possession of any one particular philosophical approach or tendency.
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