Sentences with phrase «long as the occupation»

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Not long ago professions were understood as the social roles in which occupation and vocation combined.
It would have led to Israel's permanent annexation of 8 to 12 percent of the West Bank as well as a large area of settlements around Jerusalem, plus the long - term «lease» to Israel of the Jordan River Valley, plus Israeli «security control» (which is another way of saying «continued occupation») of the vast swathes of territory on which lie the bypass roads connecting the settlements.
Defined as «passion and perseverance for long - term goals» (Duckworth, et al., 2007), grit predicts success in education, occupations, and sports.
So here's an alternative: why not cede physical ground to the police and city authorities as needed, giving up on the idea of long - term physical occupation when it's necessary.
But with the long - term occupations coming to an end, and more - traditional activism coming to the fore (protesting international summits is not exactly a new thing), is Occupy fading as a distinct movement?
It has a long history of occupying and / or annexing territories where Slavs (especially Russian - speakers) live — and using the «Slavic - speaking» and «Russian - speaking» populations as an argument for the occupation and / or annexation.
New York regulators are seeking to ban education and occupation as factors in determining how much consumers pay for car insurance, tackling a long - controversial pricing practice across much of the U.S.
@DVK As long as Israel continue their occupation, Hamas is more of resistance - movement than a terrorist - organization... though I understand the confusion, Hitler too had problems distinguishing between «resistance» and «terrorist»As long as Israel continue their occupation, Hamas is more of resistance - movement than a terrorist - organization... though I understand the confusion, Hitler too had problems distinguishing between «resistance» and «terrorist»as Israel continue their occupation, Hamas is more of resistance - movement than a terrorist - organization... though I understand the confusion, Hitler too had problems distinguishing between «resistance» and «terrorist».
A 2010 amendment to the NAGPRA regulations extended these rights to culturally unaffiliated remains as long as these were found on tribal lands or areas of aboriginal occupation.
Archaeologists are getting their first look at how a nearly year - long occupation by the group known as the Islamic State (IS) has affected the World Heritage Site of Palmyra in Syria.
Forces that have long encouraged new arrivals to cluster in certain locations and occupations appear to be, as Tanyildiz persuasively argues, still at work in the labs of America's research universities.
As long as wages do not reward certain skills workers will be less likely to acquire them, and even if they do, will find employment in higher - paid occupations that do not utilize these skillAs long as wages do not reward certain skills workers will be less likely to acquire them, and even if they do, will find employment in higher - paid occupations that do not utilize these skillas wages do not reward certain skills workers will be less likely to acquire them, and even if they do, will find employment in higher - paid occupations that do not utilize these skills.
Their exploitation of the Jews» emergency at first seems a heinous and cruel act, but as the duration of Nazi occupation grew ever longer, the aid of Socha became essential to their survival.
Cinemas will quake, ticket - takers tremble, popcorn vendors cower in fear as Avengers: Infinity War swaggers into the multiplexes to begin its months - long occupation.
No longer is education an occupation that solely serves young people from 5 to 20; rather, it is lifelong, starting at birth and continuing so long as the learner is willing and able.
Still I do not think any of us presumes to think that teachers will remain in positions as long as their predecessors did when many other types of occupations and professions were not open to women or people of color.
Teaching long ago came to be thought of as a feminine occupation, and such cultural associations change slowly — though, as Goldstein notes, if teacher education programs were more prestigious and if teacher pay were higher, more men would likely enter the field.
This hardened miscellany jolted and clanked as their horses tapered into the long, irregular file of their occupation.
Another benefit of term life insurance is that you will continue to be insured in the future as long as you meet the premium payments when due, regardless of any changes to your health, occupation or pastimes.
Your policy can't be cancelled (as long as you pay your premiums on time)... regardless of any future changes to your age, health, or occupation.
However, a person who has a shorter history of self - employment — 12 to 24 months — may be considered, as long as the borrower's most recent signed federal income tax returns reflect the receipt of such income as the same (or greater) level in a field that provides the same products or services as the current business or in an occupation in which he or she had similar responsibilities to those undertaken in connection with the current business.
Depending on how long you have worked in your occupation, as well as when your loan was taken out, will determine the percentage of the loan that will be cancelled.
Pet lovers use treats and chews in a number of ways: as training aids or rewards for good behavior; to support exercise; to provide long - lasting occupation; and sometimes just to give a treat.
«This is a principled occupation, and we're prepared to stay as long as necessary,» Sobel said.
He sees the short film as working «like a trailer, a clip for a longer narrative, setting into motion a sense of occupation and activity that runs before, during and after any visiting time» (quoted in Liam Gillick: Annlee You Proposes, p. 12).
Jim, as long as the government itself has a huge amount of money to spend and enormous influence on the economic future of various industries, occupations, etc., there will be a great deal of money in politics through one channel or another.
Accordingly, a variety of consequential injuries were held not to constitute takings... Nor was government held liable for the extra expense which the property owner must obligate in order to ward off the consequence of the governmental action... But the Court also decided long ago that land can be «taken» in the constitutional sense by physical invasion or occupation by the government, as occurs when the government floods land permanently or recurrently.
Although Pill LJ acknowledged that Art 8 (2) permits interferences with that right in the interests of national security or public safety, he did not believe that it required the insertion of the words «that the power may be exercised as long as a constable has reasonable belief in the arrested person's occupation or control».
Here is what you need to know about Income Replacement Benefits (IRB's): • IRB's are calculated at 70 % of your average gross income based on your employment history o Your income is calculated as the higher of either (i) the 52 weeks before the accident OR (ii) the 4 weeks before the accident multiplied by 13 o Self - employed income is calculated as the higher of either (i) the 52 weeks before the accident OR (ii) the last fiscal year o If you are receiving other income replacement assistance, such as short term or long term disability benefits, those amounts are deductable from the amount of your IRB eligibility • IRB's are capped at $ 400 per week • The first 7 days of your disability are not covered by IRB's • IRB's are payable for a 104 week (2 year) period, but you may be eligible to continue receiving this benefit past the 2 years indefinitely, if after the 2 year mark you are unable to do any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by way of your education, training and experience • The age 65 marks changes in IRB's o If you are already over the age of 65, IRB's are payable up to 208 weeks and gradually reduced over that period o If you reach the age 65 while already receiving benefits, the IRB is converted to a lifetime pension at a reduced rate based on an established formula
The use of group affiliations, such as age, race, or occupation, as a «proxy» for potential juror partiality, based on the assumption or belief that members of one group are more likely to favor defendants who belong to the same group, has long been accepted as a legitimate basis for the State's exercise of peremptory challenges.
Peremptory challenges have long been viewed as a means to achieve an impartial jury that will be sympathetic toward neither an accused nor witnesses for the State on the basis of some shared factor of race, religion, occupation, or other characteristic.
Your policy can't be cancelled (as long as you pay your premiums on time)... regardless of any future changes to your age, health, or occupation.
The coverage is guaranteed for life, regardless of future changes in age, health or occupation, as long as premiums are paid on time.
This coverage is guaranteed for life, regardless of future changes to your age, health or occupation (as long as your pay your premiums on time).
As long as certain criteria are met, a person that might be classified as a lower (which equals higher premiums) occupation can be upgraded up to two classeAs long as certain criteria are met, a person that might be classified as a lower (which equals higher premiums) occupation can be upgraded up to two classeas certain criteria are met, a person that might be classified as a lower (which equals higher premiums) occupation can be upgraded up to two classeas a lower (which equals higher premiums) occupation can be upgraded up to two classes.
Using the «human life value» assessment, an agent can determine the correct amount of life insurance based on the client's occupation, annual income, planned retirement age, short and long - term family expenses, and finally, the depreciation in the value of the dollar, otherwise known as inflation, in the future.
But it's one of the most common occupation classes that shops for long - term disability insurance because, as a whole, there's a potential for high income and no options for group coverage.
Compare that to a private disability insurance policy, where you can get own occupation covered for as long of a benefit period as you want — two, five, or 10 years, or even go all the way to retirement age.
If you have an «own occupation» rider — a common feature in disability policies — the insurance company will pay a benefit as long as you can not work in your primary occupation.
Franklin says you should buy «own occupation» coverage, which means the policy will pay as long as you can't perform the duties of your own job.
• Monthly premiums are based on your age, gender and smoking status • You can pay by monthly pre-authorized chequing, monthly by credit cards (VISA, MC, AMEX) & annually by credit cards (VISA, MC, AMEX) • The younger you're when you apply, the lower your premiums would be • Once covered, you can renew Lifecheque Basic up to age 75, regardless of any changes in your health or occupation • Even if your health declines, your coverage can not be canceled, as long as you pay your premiums • Of course, you can choose to cancel this protection at any time.
Whole life policies last a lifetime as long as premiums are paid, and cover you no matter any changes in your health or medical situation or your occupation or hobbies.
You will need to be aware of a few features of your long term disability insurance policy, such as how long it is guaranteed renewable, the type of occupation it covers and if it is non-cancelable.
Once your child is approved for coverage, the amount of life insurance benefits will never be reduced or canceled regardless of changes in health, age or occupation, as long as the premium payments are made on time.
Truck drivers have a very secure occupation as long as they stay healthy and keep a clean driving record.
In summary, if a territory is acquired through occupation of uninhabited land then, so long as it is applicable to the colony, English law is in force, while in the case of acquisition through treaty or conquest, the «ancient» laws remain until they are changed.
An «own occupation» policy will pay you even if you work, as long as it's in another occupation and not your own.
Dumisani Hlope, a political analyst, warned that these illegal occupations would continue as long as people feel that politicians fail to deliver on promises made during election seasons.
Following up on your historical analogy, I forgot to mention within my earlier post that Chamberlain accepted the Nazi invasion of Poland, and essentially made an «agreement» with Hitler, in person, in writing, that Britain would not object to the Nazi military occupation of Poland, so long as Hitler «agreed» not to expand militarily any where else... period.
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