Sentences with phrase «long as those opinions»

«So long as an opinion is strongly rooted in the feelings,» John Stuart Mill observed, «it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderating weight of argument against it.
I never, EVER, allow someone's stated opinions to impact on whether I support his work so long as those opinions don't transform the work itself into something that I have no desire to support.
«So long as an opinion is strongly rooted in the feelings, it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderating weight of argument against it.»

Not exact matches

As long as detractors are on board and the team aligns around the plan or vision, differences of opinion, not consensus, should be the goaAs long as detractors are on board and the team aligns around the plan or vision, differences of opinion, not consensus, should be the goaas detractors are on board and the team aligns around the plan or vision, differences of opinion, not consensus, should be the goal.
For more about millennials» opinions of employee loyalty and long - term goals, as well as the importance of health care and working for an ethical company, check out the infographic below and Bentley University's study.
My opinion is that as long as you have a reputable University in your area with a solid engineering / comp sci program, you'll be just fine.
The news is everywhere, and much of it comes with an opinion attached — and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, so long as any bias or conflict is made clear.
And as digital attention spans have shortened, reaction buttons have risen as the stand - ins for a longer explanation or opinion.
OPINION: Colin Barnett has decided to stay on as the member for Cottesloe, but how for long is another matter.
As a long - time advocate of passive investing in low - fee index funds (in fact, he's on his way to win a million - dollar bet on an index fund), Buffett also has some strong opinions on the value of high - fee investment structures like hedge funds and mutual funds.
Noble Prize - winning economist and Columbia Professor Joesph Stiglitz has long presented his controversial opinions on what he sees as the shortcomings and dangers of Bitcoin.
They are more than happy to sell when stocks are cheap or buy when they are expensive, as long as they can express their near - term market opinion.
Romney is a vacuous, two - faced liar who molds his opinions on the fly for the sake of political expediency, who has a long history of outsourcing American jobs overseas, who has lived a life of privilege and demonstrably does not understand that people who actually have to earn a living are just as valid as him and his show horse raising ilk.
The problem is that in four different places in an opinion barely five paragraphs long, Justice Stevens used the word «indoctrination» as a synonym for religious education.
Like popular movements of the past, Trumpism was made possible by a political climate in which — as Lasch put it over forty years ago — our «parties no longer represent the opinions and interests of ordinary people,» while the «political process is dominated by rival elites committed to irreconcilable ideologies.»
Any excuse will do, as long as he gets to keep his opinion that directly contradicts his Holy Word.
So I guess separation of church and state does not apply as long as church goes along with public opinion.
So long as the pope is «elected», it is safe to assume he will hold a major view which is contrary to the majority opinion.
As for the theologans you list, many of their teachings and opinions are no longer considered relevant — for example, Calvin's misogyny and Luther's anti-semitism.
Just as long as we know it's an opinion and not «clearly there is no one true God.»
Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with an its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.»
The latest episode in this long and continuing story was frst fully broken shortly after the Synod's decision in July by The Catholic Herald, who had a long news piece, an article by «fying bishop» Andrew Burnham (who had just returned from discussions in Rome), and an opinion piece by Damian Thompson containing «well - informed» speculation as to the shape of any agreement over some form of corporate solution to the Anglo - Catholics» problem.
As long as he has your attention regardless of your opinion of him, «He WINS!&raquAs long as he has your attention regardless of your opinion of him, «He WINS!&raquas he has your attention regardless of your opinion of him, «He WINS!»
«For a minority long accustomed to public praise, such opinions came as a rude awakening,» write Portes and Stepick.
If at some point during the week I express an opinion, I must perform one of the tasks on my very long been - meaning - to - get - to - that home maintenance list (which includes such glorious undertakings as mopping the kitchen floor, vacuuming the stairs to the basement, and bagging up old clothes to send to Goodwill).
This country is going to hell as long as bigots» views are validated as «opinions» and not excoriated for the hateful, un-jesus like ignorant bs they really are.
Indeed, only five months after Pius X's death, Benedict said that there is room «for divergent opinions» so long as they constitute no «harm to faith or discipline» and so long as they are expressed «with due moderation.»
You do realize that the entire article we are commenting on is one long proselytizing piece from a Christian making opinion claims that the less intelligent may take as fact because the writer has a background in science.
It would just bring a major impact say if half the Americans were gay over a long period of time, sure it might solve a few problems with the decline from the billions, but in the end it... you should join speech & debate my friend, just my opinion they shouldn't allow gay marriage, they can have their relationships all they want, just my belief about it, I respect your beliefs as long as you respect mine.
I do not believe in blasphemy, but I do believe in respecting others enough to let them have their own opinions, that is as long as they don't try and legislate their opinions onto others.
@david johson your long response offers no proof of anything, opinions and personal interpretation are not «proof «you admitted as much -LRB-, the old i can't prove a negative) but you impressed the heck out of martin t (not particularly difficult on that, as he appears to thrive on any bs that seems to support his «position») Just a side bar Santa does exist, or rather did, Saint Nicholas, Didn't know him personally and I don't think he was anything like the «Coke» version, but the persona is supposedly based on an actual person.
So to follow your opinion it would mean the majority of these abusers were so damaged as children that as adults they no longer have it in them to seek God.
Ann B said, on February 2nd, 2010 at 6:34 pm So to follow your opinion it would mean the majority of these abusers were so damaged as children that as adults they no longer have it in them to seek God.
As long as I express it as my opinion and don't try to push it on people, it is just saying how I feeAs long as I express it as my opinion and don't try to push it on people, it is just saying how I feeas I express it as my opinion and don't try to push it on people, it is just saying how I feeas my opinion and don't try to push it on people, it is just saying how I feel.
To make a long story short, the «Hitler's Pope» campaign was highly successful, with the result that the calumny against Pius is now almost universally accepted by the opinion - making elites and by plenty of average citizens as well.
As a theological opinion, Nestorianism had therefore been long in evidence in Persia.
In my opinion, at least, as long as one is on the job, all peculiarly religious activities should take second place to doing «the job» in sweat, intelligence and the power of God.
Doctrine and Covenants 134:7 7 We believe that rulers, states, and governments have a right, and are bound to enact laws for the protection of all citizens in the free exercise of their religious belief; but we do not believe that they have a right in justice to deprive citizens of this privilege, or proscribe them in their opinions, so long as a regard and reverence are shown to the laws and such religious opinions do not justify sedition nor conspiracy.
We have to let people know that their opinions count, as long as they are willing to test them in a Christian way.
Economistic thinkers typically support this opposition, but as long as the issues are fought out within the nation, public opinion can support policies that involve some short - term economic losses for the sake of long - term environmental gains.
In the first Meditation, he writes: «Nevertheless, for a long time I have had in mind a certain opinion that there is a God who is omnipotent and by whom I have been created as I am» (16).
As long as we live in a cultural milieu in which the unborn child is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed, or a financial burden rather than a gift, political opinion will be secondarAs long as we live in a cultural milieu in which the unborn child is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed, or a financial burden rather than a gift, political opinion will be secondaras we live in a cultural milieu in which the unborn child is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed, or a financial burden rather than a gift, political opinion will be secondaras something to be feared rather than welcomed, or a financial burden rather than a gift, political opinion will be secondary.
So, is the popular opinion in my classroom correct, that this music is appropriate to listen to as long as we are careful not to let it impact our actions?
Contrary to common opinion (at least in the evangelical / charismatic circles I was immersed in) I don't see that as a fatal weakness but a strength, removing the message from the brittle confines of times and places and cultures long gone and into the realm of resilient timelessness.
Meanwhile, with Whitman, Donoghue indulges in especially snide remarks: If ««The United States are essentially the greatest poem,»» as the 1855 preface to Leaves of Grass proposed, then, in this critic's opinion, «it is a poem long disfigured by stanzas featuring murderous adventures in the Philippines, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq (to name a few, with probably more to come).»
Iraqi Christians are treated less than third (3rd) class citizens, No Rights of Freedom of speech or expression, thought, opinion etc., No Rights to Practice Religion, Hateful of Christians, when in Reality its the Christians that were there LONG before the Arabs, its a matter of facts, Iraqi Christians still speak the ARAMAIC Language, the same exact language as Jesus Christ Spoke (our GOD), the descendant of Abraham, from the Land of the Chaldean «UR».
New Testament scholars, I understand, disagree on just what these heresies were; apparently there is a weight of opinion favoring the belief that they involved doctrines related to what later came to be known as Gnosticism, an ingenious synthesis between Christianity and various Asian redemption cults that went a long way toward de-emphasizing the kenotic dimension of the Gospel.
However, with respect to the first of those issues, I find fascinating the British idea of «virtual representation,» which meant that so long as Parliament was a mixed deliberative body of persons that represented a variety of interests and opinions, then representation was real and valid even though citizens could not vote for members of Parliament.
Like most libs, hypocrites like you will support anyone else's opinion... so long as it's the one you hold.
I worked very hard as a woman who has been around this world for a very long time... telling you my opinion of the mess that is taking place and you chose not to print it..
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