Sentences with phrase «long as you'd»

According to Glassdoor, however, Facebook seems to really have taken the cake when it comes to pampering its employees to the fullest — ultimately encouraging people to stay as long as possible in the high - turnover tech industry.
«We allow consumption, so long as people get work done.
On average, a broker who connects a small business with a healthcare provider collects between 4 and 8 percent of the company's health premiums — fees that translate to several hundred dollars or more per employee per year, and keep coming in for as long as the business customer continues to maintain coverage.
As long as you're seduced by everyone else's plan for your life, your wallet will be seemingly stuck open when it comes to paying for help with time management.
The original automaker will install them for free, so long as you're willing to tolerate the occasional pop - up ad while idling at a red light.
So workers could be pushed into unsafe conditions, their wages ripped off, their pensions dismissed, etc., all without fuss — as long as the Party bigshots received a share of the profits.
Bankers, at the other end of the scale, are likely to offer no advice whatsoever as long as you make payments of principal and interest on time and are not in violation of any other terms of your loan.
«With an HSA, money goes in tax - free, builds up tax - free and, as long as it is pulled out for a qualified medical expense, comes out tax - free.»
«As long as you can service your debt handily, then debt is your friend,» Cycon says.
As long as you are winning and making money in America, it's amazing what you will get away with.
And as long as the world accepts dollar hegemony, then the U.S. can afford its Empire.
It's like living a childhood dream every weekend, so I'm going to do it for as long as they let me.
As long as Alberta grows as fast as the experts say it will, then you should see better - than - average returns.
As long as you are hitting the right target audience and then meeting their needs there's no reason why you can't bring this traffic to your website, and then turn them into a paying customer.
As long as you've paid 90 percent of that year's tax liability (or 100 percent of the previous year's tax liability), you can go on extension and only owe interest, no penalties, on the remaining 10 percent.
It's okay to hit them where it hurts, as long as you truly can provide a solution.
As a good rule of thumb, Ali advised choosing a loan with the lowest APR you can find, as long as your business can handle the payments.
«And as long as that happens, your insurance company is not going to pay your bill if you take a drug and the pharmaceuticals are not going to develop the drugs because if nobody is going to pay for their use, why spend the money on that?»
People don't understand how the company has stayed alive as long as it has.
But corporations in the U.S. are permitted to spend unlimited amounts to support or oppose a candidate as long as they or the organizations they contribute to do not coordinate this activity with the candidate.
You can learn what you need wherever you go as long as you stick with it, push and take it seriously.
As long as you focus on providing worthwhile, value - adding answers, more users will become interested in clicking on your profile to find out more about you.
But he says as «long as investors will pay for subscriber growth and as long as Netflix delivers it, the stock will go up.»
Typically, they'd get as long as six months to develop an entire brand identity.
Suning's in - store sales will count toward Alibaba's total gross merchandise volume, as long as they go through final processing online, an Alibaba spokesman said.
As long as it was for a female, it had to pass my eyes,» she says.
Don't expect your boss to notice when you're ready for a promotion, don't expect your colleague to stop sloughing work off on you if you're always willing to do it and don't think that anyone is going to stop walking all over you as long as you allow it.
As long as Alberta continues to expand — and most economists think it will — then this bank should be a good bet.
As long as that remains the case, the calls to raise the overnight rate from its current anemic 1 % will be subdued.
As long as other elements of engagement are in place, office parties and watercooler interactions can be a great way to build friendships and achieve engagement.
Instead, comic books are completely legit entertainment as long as it's factored into the travel and entertainment budget and they are not overspending on it.
For as long as I can remember I have looked for problems or inefficiencies in the world and tried to solve them, even as a little kid.
So to keep its scooters running as long as advertised, Gogoro plans to pull power cells from circulation once the battery reaches 80 percent of capacity and replace it with a fresh, new unit.
It's possible to benefit from buying dips, too, so long as everyone remembers that short - term gains lead to long - term success.
In 2006, CMHC began allowing amortizations as long as 40 years, which drastically reduced monthly payments for some borrowers.
As long as there is breath in my body we are committed to getting each and every backer their Coolest Cooler.
As long as there are ultra-rich people, there will always be a few who value great journalism enough to bankroll it, or at least who see some advantage to themselves in doing so.
Here's the rub: Failure has become OK — it's even a kind of street cred — as long as you can write the postmortem blog post about your heroic pivot.
Approvals can take as long as 120 days, but the Journal has six ways to speed up the process.
The Italian crisis — the country's powerful political leader, the comedian Beppe Grillo, would probably call it «commedia dell «arte» — offers plenty of interesting trading opportunities as long as you don't fall for the incongruous idea that this is the end of the euro area.
As long as countries maintain weak - currency policies, the risk of other countries resorting to competitive devaluations will remain.
The memo changed federal policy to a more «hands off» approach as long as states properly regulate marijuana production and distribution, including keeping it out of the hands of minors.
«Companies only exist as long as they have engaged customers — but we're obligated to challenge them too.
Assign projects with specific deadlines and from there, give them the benefit of the doubt if you catch them in a texting storm, so long as their still turning in quality and on - time work.
«As long as they do not use the Olympic logo, the Rio 2016 logo or our look, there is no infringement,» said Sylmara Multini, director of licensing and retail for the Rio 2016 organizing committee.
In July, Amazon tried to make peace with Hachette authors by offering them 100 % of digital book sales for as long as talks with Hachette dragged out — a proposal that Hachette had already turned down in negotiations.
«The business was going to go nowhere as long as it stayed in its small, noble niche,» says early investor and former board member Don Barton.
Likewise, there's good reason to think the goal of «protecting our community from abuse and hatred» is a non-starter as long as «our community» means a user base of more than two billion people.
The certifier may work at the applicant firm or be independent, as long as the certifier is a licensed professional with credentials that are current and in good standing.
The strength of Facebook's network effect is what has allowed it to grow as fast as it has, encompassing about 1.7 billion people now, for as long as it has.
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