Sentences with phrase «long bottom times»

With its shallow depths, you can expect a nice long bottom time here.
With its shallow depths, you can expect a nice long bottom time.
The Maverick allows you to add an easy wreck dive to the logbook, and Mount Irving provides a break from the currents and allows long bottom times.
Divers looking to nitrogen load can get their fix on deeper reefs and walls, but the majority of sites — including the wrecks — sit at accommodating middle depths that allow for longer bottom times.
Most of these sites are at depths of 40 feet or less, which yields long bottom times, and plenty of chances for sightings.
A shallow dive with longer bottom time, allows those novice divers to experience boat diving logistics, photographers to concentrate in one area and «Discover Scuba Divers» to do a boat dive under the supervision of a Dive Instructor.
As a certified Nitrox diver you will enjoy benefits such as longer bottom times, shorter surface intervals and you will feel less tired at the end of the day.
Nitrox — air with additional oxygen content — allows divers to enjoy longer bottom times (and shorter surface intervals) than their air - breathing dive buddies.
This shallow dive of 15 to 30 feet (5 - 10m) allows long bottom times to explore the many fascinating reef creatures found here.
With an average visibility of 30m plus and dive site depths ranging from 2m to 30m, perfect dive profiles and long bottom times are easily achievable.
Nitrox, or Enriched Air, is one of the most useful PADI courses to enroll in as it teaches you to dive with a different mixture of gas that will allow you longer bottom times.
The advantages of diving with an underwater scooter are: less energy used, longer bottom times, more distance covered and they're a ton of fun!
We promise you that Freediving will quickly become an obsession as you strive to get a deeper and longer bottom time, which will ultimately result in you being more comfortable in the water and with a new level of calm.
Dive profiles at many of these sites are in the 40 to 60 - foot range, allowing for long bottom times.
Khao Na Yak Reef also appeals to experienced divers who like to spend some time focusing closely on the varied fish life of a tropical reef, with the advantage of a longer bottom time due to the shallow depth.
Aqua - Trek now operates the Ultimate Shark Encounter on nearby Lake Reef offering the best visibility, longer bottom time, a larger shark population and more regular tiger shark sightings!
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