Sentences with phrase «long dead»

A so - called fossil fuel, petroleum is believed by most scientists to be the transformed remains of long dead organisms.
Remember many of us older people will be long dead before the difference between the business as usual pathway and whatever path the world takes makes itself evident.
The boy doesn't listen to him; he thinks, if my father did that to my mother, so long dead, then maybe he killed her?
That pie in the sky thought process is long dead much like the days of the popular arcade.
However, we are constantly curating our inner circles of acquaintances — even long dead ones.
I'll probably be long dead at that point, but it will happen.
However, I can safely say that I will not let the moral opinions of long dead strangers shape my own.
It is not in any obvious sense disrespectful to display a skeleton of someone long dead, if the display has a valid purpose.
It was an old facility, designed by a local architect long dead.
162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during a mere 80 years, and they are all long dead by now.
They're just ignoring that part and fixating on an interpretation of a different part of a book intended mostly to collect family lineage and tribal customs of long dead people.
If the «GW alarmists» were telling you such stories with an opposite spin, from long dead Russian sailors, would you find that compelling?
Those who are dead in sin can not do anything to merit or earn eternal life, but they can believe in Jesus, which is the exact opposite of meritorious works, and which enables God to raise the person up so that they are no longer dead in sin, but alive in Jesus Christ.
I do not care what the Bible, Quaran, Torah, or any other ancient text written by men long dead says about the punishment of women.
We are quick to surrender that which we deem as long dead, when God is quick to restore that which He deems as never really having lived.
Considered in the light of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, however, our trials are no longer a dead end; no longer meaningless.
The two brothers are reunited at the wedding of their doting mother (Glenn Close), which is also when Peter finds out their father is not long dead of cancer, as his mom always said, but alive and well.
A flame I thought long dead came leaping up to thaw my cold heart.
Shanks was long dead when, in 1946, an error was discovered in the 528th digit.
LONG DEAD ROAD launched on Amazon and all good book sellers a week ago, and the first person to get their hands on a copy was Mike Stewart, who subscribes to my mailing list and was the first to answer a very simple question to win a copy.
He was a little too ambitious on his timeline, but it seems that the ability to clone long dead species is indeed upon us.
He was a little too ambitious on his timeline, but it seems that the ability to clone long dead species is indeed upon us.
And being long DEAD doesn't save you from this cynical ploy, as Rachel Carson could tell you, if she was not in fact dead lo these many years.
This kind of rebranding makes about as much sense as claiming that, since it's based on long dead plants that originally got their energy from the sun, oil is actually solar power.
We mention this because we have long noticed that the best - known quotes attributed to all sorts of long dead famous people — the ones one immediately finds on the first page that pops up when googling their names — are more often than not either garbled beyond recognition, or misattributed, or at times even completely made up.
Not to pass out fairytales to our children of some aged dogma from an era long dead, our children deserve better.
A feeling of everlasting love and the appearance of long dead family members to greet them.
Even my decades long dead Granny could manage Arsenal better than Wenger!
A short man, round and bald, Solomon is filled with soft laughter and sparkling tales of times long dead.
The ghostly spectre of long dead Busby Babe and Man United legend Duncan Edwards made an apparition at Old Trafford earlier today to complain about the attitude of the current crop of players and captain Paul Pogba in particular.
We are for the most part unable to introspect — to wonder about our uncanny ability to fly or to meet somebody long dead.
Ancient DNA researchers have succeeded beyond all expectation in retrieving entire genomes from - long dead organisms, and their work is transforming the study of the past, as discussed in Science's special news package and in the video above.
«It gives us an opportunity to watch, in action, phenomena long dead in the rest of the solar system.»
Study co-author, Dr Neil Gostling from the University of Southampton, said: «The improvement in CT scanning, both in the instrumentation, at Light Source at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland where we scanned or even the µ - VIS Centre at Southampton, along with access for research of this kind, allows us to make inroads into understanding the biology and the ecology of animals long dead.
People long dead return to a small town with no knowledge of their death including a 15 - year old girl (Yara Pilart) killed in a car accident four years ago, a groom (Pierre Perrier) who died ten years ago, a young murdered boy (Swann Nambotin), and a serial killer (Guillaume Gouix) in this
Greta Gerwig's «Lady Bird,» starring Saoirse Ronan (pronounced Ser - Sha, as in Sersha, Sersha, Sersha) finds Gerwig going all semi-autobiographical mumblecore, as if that Godforsaken genre weren't already long dead gone.
Education philanthropy witnessed a major shift at the beginning of this century, said Russakoff, as the majority of donors moved from the foundations of long dead industrialists to living billionaires, who would apply to public education the entrepreneurial skills that had helped them succeed in technology and business.
If that wasn't bad enough, long dead German manufacturer Borgward resurfaced alongside Taiwanese electric car maker Thunder Power.
Rayman Origins re-introduces an intense freshness to a genre that many gamers chose to remember by a couple of well - known brand names that monopolize interest... and the rest consider long dead.
Kennyd1 got on very well with the Finches: «The real successor to Gone Home, a «walking simulator» that uses really imaginative gameplay to make you feel close to characters long dead and to the tragedies buried deep within.
the impending line - up of games, the promise of actual third party support, long dead franchises brought back from the grave, actual working 3D....
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