Sentences with phrase «long healing periods»

In addition, with frequent feedings, you can alternate breasts so that each breast has a longer healing period between feedings.

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Thousands flocked to the Lakeland Revival, including many from the UK, to enjoy long periods of worship followed by preaching, words of knowledge and healings.
As natural as it is for a woman to adapt to her pregnancy and prepare for childbirth, the postpartum healing period can be a long and challenging road, making a mom feel like she's being betrayed by her own body.
Actually, if you had wounds that were too small to be stitched, you can be sore for a longer period while they heal.
One of the main reasons The Ollie Swaddle was created was because a baby was having trouble sleeping for long periods, therefore, not giving their body time to rest, heal, and grow.
If you have a C - section, you have a longer postpartum healing period than if you had given birth vaginally.
There had been a long period of my life when I had felt really, really angry, and it was only when I started to access the softer feelings beneath the anger, that I was able to finally to be sad, to cry, and finally heal and move on.
They would go long periods of time without food, and we're now finding out how that can be incredibly healing for the body and brain.
We experience inflammation when our body is trying to heal itself, but when the inflammation lasts for long periods of time, negative health impacts occur.
In this slow and steady style of yoga, certain postures are held for longer periods of time so that the connective tissue, fascia and joints have time to release, stretch and heal.
In just 6 months of implementing (almost) everything I learn't from Nicole, I had cleared up my acne, my hives were gone, I was no longer so fatigued (this for me is still a work in progress though), my gut was beginning to heal and I GOT MY PERIOD BACK (I honestly don't think anyone has ever been as excited about getting their period before as I PERIOD BACK (I honestly don't think anyone has ever been as excited about getting their period before as I period before as I was!).
This country is a still a long way from being totally healed from that period of our history that included slavery.
Eligible Health Professions: • Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL) • Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL) • Lloans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS) • Nursing Student Loans (NSL) Benefits of consolidating these loans would include lowering your monthly payment, having a longer repayment period, and having one single monthly payment.
The activity level of the patient and the forces on the fractured bone can be minimized for a long enough period of time for the fracture to heal.
Dogs who develop long - term or chronic recumbency, either due to some form of neurological disorder, paralysis, or a period of forced immobility for healing purposes, will require specialized care.
Treatment may require debriding (trimming) the devitalized tissue, then suturing the wound with drains in place; or the defect may be large enough to require skin grafting or healing by second intention (granulating in over a long period of time).
Patients may experience both adaptive and maladaptive pain; in addition to inflammatory pain, there is the potential to develop long - term neuropathic or central pain if the pain is inadequately managed during the perioperative and healing periods
Plants yield different colored leaves, and these leaves can be used in different combinations to craft syringes with a number of benefits including healing, reducing damage taken from fire, enhanced animal tracking, and the ability to hold your breath under water for a longer period of time.
may be minor and heal within a short period of time, while other facial injuries, such as severe burns and eye damage, could be permanent and require costly and ongoing medical treatment over a long period of time.
Common facial injuries may be minor and heal within a short period of time, while other facial injuries, such as severe burns and eye damage, could be permanent and require costly and ongoing medical treatment over a long period of time.
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