Sentences with phrase «long list of things»

I had this very long list of things I thought would be cool.
Many male experts responded by becoming more authoritative, and their recommended parenting styles and advice contained long lists of things to do and not to do in any conceivable situation.
Most of us could create nice long lists of things that we're good at or able to do, but that list of competencies doesn't necessarily fit our dream job descriptions.
We don't want to overload teachers with long lists of things to be «covered» and «ticked off» in Science and Foundation Subjects.
And there's a pretty long list of things that can damage your car that don't result from an accident, such as:
«An impossibly long list of things already needs to go right for XRP to become a reserve currency for banks,» Ryan Selkis, a virtual currency analyst, wrote in a post on Thursday.
I definitely tried to get a big long list of things so I could stay busy at the end of pregnancy!!
Whenever I work on a website, I generally have a long list of changes I want to make, and if you're running a site, it shouldn't take you long to come up with a similarly long list of things that you don't like about the site.
«Parents of asthmatic children have an extra long list of things to do to keep their kids healthy,» said Paivi Salo, Ph.D., NIEHS researcher involved in the study.
, we don't really have any plans to get going with things until the Fall... but, that doesn't mean that I can't start chipping away at the CRAZY LONG list of things I'd like to see happen (take a peek at our plans for the space here).
Most people if they are honest will be able to come up with a reasonably long list of things that are affecting their decisions in life and once these are revealed you can go about changing them and thereby changing your whole lifestyle where you understand the importance of the balance that will bring to your health, happiness and financial well - being.
«They will try it, I guess they're entitled to have a go, but that is why it's important to campaign clearly on a not very long list of things we have done and aim to do», he warned of the income tax spat, adding that it was well - known that the policy was «our major campaigning plank.»
I had a really long list of things I wanted to get to see during our stay and we got a lot of them ticked off, but I feel that I have left a bit of a chunk for the last few days of our trip when we head back to Paris.
And there's a pretty long list of things that can damage your car that don't result from an accident, such as:
When I finally headed to college, it was after a summer spent organizing and reorganizing a long list of things I thought I would need, plus a link to which item I had deemed best in each category.
What's the antidote to the creeping stress that can come from keeping a long list of things you haven't done yet?
Creating infographics require a long list of things that need to be done, and it takes a varied skill set to accomplish all of them.
Here's a longer list of things you should never share on social media.
I don't disagree with John. Personally, I have a long list of things I'd like to see more public spending on (i.e. child care, non-profit housing, income support, public transit, student financial aid, etc.).
I have such a long list of things and behaviors to give up for «Lent».
CNN is almost at the top of the very long list of the things they hate.
Along with the long list of things that he knows nothing about we can now add Marxism and Christianity.
You probably have heard Christianity presented like this: The basis of Christian living is belief — and then, the long, long list of things to be believed being mentally indigestible by you, you have cried, I can not.
Given the long list of things a secular worldview can not provide, the Judeo - Christian culture spurned today will be able to return as an appealing worldview, given that it can provide what secularism can not.
This is simply just one more thing (in a long list of things), that the scientifically ignorant nomadic bronze - age shepherds who wrote the bible got completely wrong.
Another in the long list of things that Jesus said, but that Christians haven't gotten right, I suppose?
So you can put the refusal of pro-lifers to engage in democratic deliberation on that long list of things that everybody knows that aren't so.
Devine — looks wonderful and is on the very long list of things to make and try from your site and as for the photos — beautiful!!!
Yep, SAME on both the long list of things to bake and the hazyhothumid Northeast weather, with no end in sight.
I'd added it to my long list of things to bake, sitting next to vanilla cake, etc. and mentally stored it away for the time being.
I think I saw a naturopath who gave me a very long list of things to avoid after having my thyroid taken out, including soy, gluten and brassica vegetables.
A couple of months ago, I made a long list of things I'd like to accomplish over the next little while.
As we licked the last bits out of the bowl with our fingers at the end of our meal, Mr. B and I already had a long list of things I could create using it as a base: sweet potato pie (of course), and cookies, ice cream, fudge — who knows what else.
Add yogurt to the incredibly long list of things I never ever want to buy again.
Because currently that is on the long list of things that keeps me up at night and watching him chow down on this warms my heart.
The little bursts of lemony Limoncello flavor in each bite are at the top of a long list of things I love about this cupcake recipe from Baking Chez Moi by Dorie Greenspan.
Oh, hard to pick from my long list of things I want to try but I think I'd make a nice crusty loaf of bread!
We recently picked up several pounds of strawberries from a local farm, and I'm chipping away at my long list of things to make.
I will already have tasted many fresh and amazing dishes, crossing them off my long list of things to try, one by one.
It is easy for the fans of any football club to get disheartened, and especially for Arsenal fans after last weekend's disaster in Watford added to a long list of things we would rather forget but can not.
I have a long list of things that should have been done.
Lis, I suggest you see the post «naps: troubleshooting revised and updated» and «nighttime sleep issues: Revised and updated» Those will both give you a long list of things to check into.
Oscar - nominated short films are also showing this weekend at the ICA and the Kendall Square Theatre, plus we have a long list of things we would love to see at the movie theater.
With a baby on the way, we know you have a long list of things that have to be accomplished, but don't forget your oral health!
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