Sentences with phrase «long load periods»

Those usually require quite long load periods.

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By loading the car up with fuel he was able to stay out and gain places during the long safety car period, and he kept his head as track conditions deteriorated - not only were there tyre marbles everywhere, but the surface itself was breaking up in places.
That means larger planes loaded up with fuel that are forced to take off at a shallower angle, and are therefore closer to the ground for a longer period of time.»
This is especially the case for lifting and carrying heavy loads over long periods of time.
In men, the risk is doubled by long term lifting of heavy loads; this rises to a factor of 2.5 if the work is additionally associated with heavy manual labor or long periods of walking or standing.
To get as many renewables as possible operating on the grid, these renewables are much different again in characteristic than the current generation mix in that we have primarily base - load plants that are operating over long periods of time that don't vary much, like a coal plant, for example.
For HIV patients, the further course of disease is determined by the set point because viral load values remain constant over a long period of time after this.
One big issue for dieters are carbohydrates, which can be divided into slow - digesting and fast - digesting ones: the first group which includes foods such as yams, wild rice, beans, whole grains, red potatoes and certain types of fruits are loaded with fiber and nutrients and produce slow and gradual increases in blood glucose and modest insulin release, keeping us full and satisfied for longer periods of time.
It includes a training session with the same load over a longer period of time — usually 20 to 60 minutes — without any interruption.
You will certainly experience periods where you'll want to decrease the training intensity and train using a more traditional leg workout program, consisting of slowly executed movements, longer rest intervals, heavier load and being in the gym for more than an hour.
They are vital to complex exercises, such as the Olympics lifts (Power Clean, Power Snatch, Split Jerks, etc.) These exercises are technical and skilful, they therefore, require a longer period of practicing the technique before they can be loaded.
These exercises are technical and skillful, they, therefore, require a longer period of practicing the technique before they can be loaded.
The more efficiently you can carry a heavy load, the heavier you will be able to carry, and you will be able to manage the weight for longer periods of time.
Findings from three different studies outlined in Belmiro et al. show the importance of a longer rest period while maintaining a high intensity and volume training load.
During those days maximal loads are lifted — greater than 85 percent one - rep maximum — and longer rest periods are taken, usually three to five minutes between sets.
It also teaches you how to breathe, relax and PERFORM while under load for long periods of time... which is a skill that will turn you into a WORKHORSE in every aspect of your physical life.
This adaptation occurs over a period of time, and is one of the reasons why long distance runners will train in a glycogen depleted state and then carbohydrate load before a race.
It doesn't take many reps to hit failure when you're pushing 90 %, but when the load is significantly decreased, the muscle has to hold the load for a longer period of time because, where previously it might take 3 or 4 reps to fail, now its 25, 30 or 50 reps.
Another reason for keeping it simple, and neutral: if you are traveling for a longer period and plan to do laundry, it's easier to make a load if you clothes can separate into lights and darks, without colors.
It's a long incubation period that's usually accompanied by a lot of daydreaming, loads of reading and a lot of trying things on for size.
Utilizing a new articulated seat shape with continuous support from the pelvis to the chest and distribution of localized deformation characteristics, the «zero - gravity» Altima seats help reduce muscular and spinal loads, and improve blood flow — thereby helping reduce fatigue over long periods behind the wheel.
When the engine is placed under greater load, a switch to the camshaft lobe that opens the valve for a longer period is made and the driver can make use of the full power and torque of the engine.
The can handle heavy loads at long periods of time without over extending it's capabilities.
With many loan programs, you'll have a six - or nine - month «grace period» once you're no longer taking a full course load.
Pages 330 - 331 the authors make a lot out the disadvantages of bond funds, but aside from paying an upfront load, the disadvantages are small relative to individual bonds over a long time period.
There is no correlation between front - loaded funds and their performance versus that of their benchmark even over very long periods of time.
Even a relatively high salary can not remove the stress of carrying such a debt load, or mitigate the long hours required to study and complete a residency period, or the often - stressful work conditions related to being a physician.
Then you may have to pay another huge initial sales load / commission again, and then endure another long period of not being able to withdraw money because of the surrender charges.
Simply put, if you are looking to pay down your debt over a longer period of time, this card gives you the longest time period to pay down your debt load without any interest to worry about.
Much like a «Previously on...» type segment, the game provides a wonderful experience for the commonly boring issue of loading, and for a player who may have had no choice in being away from the game for a longer period of time.
There's a particularly nasty Civilization VI crash bug that causes the game to hang on for a long period of time while loading.
Germany also must deal with a huge temporal power surplus, extremely large load gradients, and long «calms» — periods of low wind, typically experienced in the winter.
Agricultural runoff, in combination with increased water temperatures, has caused considerable non-point source pollution problems in recent years, with increased phosphorus and nitrogen loadings from farms contributing to more frequent and prolonged occurrences of anoxic «dead zones» and harmful, dense algae growth for long periods.
Li et al., 2017 (DOI: 10.1016 / j.quascirev.2017.01.009): «Additionally, increased El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) strength (possibly El Ni ~ no - like phases) during drying periods, increased volcanic eruptions and the resulting aerosol load during cooling periods, as well as high volumes of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4 during the recent warming periods, may also play a role in partly affecting the climatic variability in NC, superimposing on the overall solar dominated long - term control.»
Having a masonry exterior distributes the peak load over a longer period of time.
Distance runners need to sustain high levels of energy for long periods of time so they tend to load up on carbohydrates.
The repetitive motion may involve lifting of heavy loads, repeated pressure against a sharp surface, or an awkward posture held for long periods of time.
Despite the criticism of being front - loaded, ulips through systematic investments have the potential to generate good returns over a long period of time.
As per the new IRDA guidelines effective from September 1, the commission paid to distributors and expenses charged by insurers will no longer be front - loaded and will be distributed over the lock - in period of the schemes, which has been raised to five years from three years earlier.
The mixture of hot pavements combined with heavier loads, long periods of travel, and hot air in your tire is the perfect recipe for a blown out tire.
According to Wikipedia, the frequency varies with the load on the grid, but the number of cycles per 24 hours is «maintained rigorously constant,» to keep those electric clocks accurate for long periods.
But like many out there with the Snapdragon 625, the loading of heavy gaming apps was a tad slow and there were occasional frame drops on games with high graphics setting, especially when played for long periods of time.
Answer: Mental requirements might be intensive work load, working under pressure, stress, long hours, long periods of standing up and walking, and performing administrative tasks.
ADDITIONAL STRENGTHS • Strong ability to comprehend and follow verbal and written instructions • BCLS and First Aid Certified • Excellent physical stamina with ability to squat, kneel, bend and stand for long time periodsLoad lifting ability up till 60 lbs.
She is physically fit and will have no problem lifting heavy loads or standing for long periods of time.
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