Sentences with phrase «long maturity dates»

To offset this risk, bonds with long maturity dates pay a higher interest.
To offset this risk, bonds with long maturity dates pay a higher interest.
With long maturity dates, the bonds were often stored away and sometimes forgotten.
Yields are normally higher on fixed - income securities with longer maturity dates.
When they reach their maturity dates, you can reinvest the amount into a CD with a longer maturity date and repeat the process each time an account has matured.
This is the type of treasury security with the longest maturity date, ranging from 10 to 30 years.
Available in the secondary market and issued by the U.S. Treasury, corporations, and state and local government entities, zeros typically have long maturity dates, such as 10, 15, or more years.
This especially holds true the longer the maturity date is on a bond.
Yields are normally higher on fixed - income securities with longer maturity dates.
This is increased when fixed income investments have long maturity dates.
They can be issued by the U.S. Treasury, corporations, and state and local government entities and generally have long maturity dates.
Municipal bonds are also different because most of the bonds issued have long maturity dates.
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