Sentences with phrase «long sad story»

To make a long sad story short, I found it very frustrating at the time that neutering him was suggested as the solution.
He had been a National Merit Semi-finalist in High School with a request from Princeton to their PhD program — not a scholarship though so his parents refused to pay — it's a long sad story of nothing going right for him.

Not exact matches

Your editorial speaks the sad story of hearts long since devoid of compassion and filled rather with hate and bitterness.
Sad thing, soon there will no longer be stories from mouths of those who lived it.
I'm very sad that the most amazing story I've heard in a long time, about Ted Bundy, was cut out of the film.
The management and the fans, who have supported Wenger to stay, instead of leaving a long time ago, should recognize their part in this sad story.
«The most remarkable thing about this story is how sad Gavin Williamson now feels about no longer selling fireplaces,» observed Sunday Times political editor Tim Shipman.
Amazing story which was made into a movie last year) Sad to say that hasn't happened in a long time.
A sad story may get your emotional and empathetic responses on, and might be used against you in the long run.
Its a long and sad story.
To the people saying the story sucks, it doesn't at all and even gets strongly emotional when you are forced to do something terribly heart breaking late in the game, now that is a gripping and sad emotional moment granted it doesn't last long enough but it is better story and more emotional than anything in halo or gears and that is one scene on a handheld!
However, the idea with slow direction and pace is that we have to enjoy the actual story and I am sad to say that I did not connect with the actual script at all, meaning that this entire film became a long and arduous journey for me.
Waller - Bridge's Fleabag is a fierce, flawed, more than occasionally crude, and deeply sad character whose story will stay with you long after.
It's not long before the solution to this mini-mystery is revealed, which does make the already sad story all the more heartbreaking as it develops.
The idea of the sad clown is as old as comedy itself, and yet it'd be too easy to classify Rick Alverson's new film — which revolves around the existential journey of a standup performer — as just another in the long line of stories about depressed funnymen and th...
Sad sad sob story that only holds up as long as no one challenges the cherry picked data and outright lies that make up the bulk of their complainSad sad sob story that only holds up as long as no one challenges the cherry picked data and outright lies that make up the bulk of their complainsad sob story that only holds up as long as no one challenges the cherry picked data and outright lies that make up the bulk of their complaints.
We would also like to thank Mr Glen Bevan, a long time supporter of dogs in need, once aware of Bandicoots sad story Glenn did not hesitate to donate food so money could be raised to help Bandicoot.
The sad part about this story is the veterinary community has set the bar so low for our animals, that as long as the animal is breathing, you can vaccinate them.
If you want to read more about the matter, then next to the stories that are linked to in this post, Sam Kennedy's long post about «GameSpot's Sad State of Affairs» over at his 1UP blog is an interesting read.
For those who haven't been keeping up with the long, kind of sad, story, Lohan initially indicated she was planning to sue the publishers of GTA V back in 2013 when the game first came out (yes, GTA V really is that old).
It's sad how the bad things stick around for too long and we forget our true story.
For fans of the platform, the long slow demise of Windows phones is a sad end to a story that began in 2010, when Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 7 (Series), a beautiful new OS that some optimistically believed would become a bigger success than the iPhone.
I think it was 1972 or 1973 when new law Family Law came into being that no longer had the wife as being the «husband's property» (he owned her until the new law kicked into play — for those who aren't old enough to know — THIS is completely TRUE) and if memory (golly it's so long ago) serves me correctly — she could not be «on title» as such prior to then, in the same manner as she can / could today... and if this sad story happened back then — «HJP» — could be that title would not, perhaps, have automatically gone to her.
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